Each committee can appoint one or two members to become a maintainer of sections of jakarta.ee website that falls under the purview of that committee. The maintainer can be appointed during the Committee meeting or sending a request to the relevant Committee mailing list to receive +1 from members before being granted access.
Maintainers will have the ability to merge Pull Requests. Maintainers can only approve or make changes to the sections they are responsible for.
The maintainers should not make any changes to the jakarta.ee brand (e.g. replacing the Jakarta EE logo) without approval from the Eclipse Foundation staff and the Marketing Committee.
If a maintainer decides to leave the community or no longer wishes to remain a maintainer, the relevant Committee should make a request via e-mail to webmaster@eclipse.org to revoke maintainer access to a user.
The process to add updates/make changes to the jakarta.ee website: