The Jakarta EE Platform offers a number of APIs that can be used to create web based user interfaces.
Jakarta EE provides the robust Jakarta Security specification that when paired with the Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization specifications, provides APIs that deliver end-to-end security.
Jakarta REST is the solution for development of building Representational State Transfer web services on the Jakarta EE Platform.
The Jakarta Persistence specification, also known as Jakarta Persistence API (JPA), encompasses a number of APIs that facilitate the creation, reading, updating, and deletion of data within data stores.
The Jakarta EE Platform enables developers to produce lightweight, cloud native applications while providing maximum developer productivity.
Jakarta Dependency Injection provides the ability to make use of contextual objects in an application with maximum reusability, testability, and maintainability.
The Jakarta Concurrency specification targets application performance and usability by providing a standard API for developing concurrent application processes without compromising container integrity