Uses of Class

  • Uses of PolicyContextException in

    Methods in that throw PolicyContextException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void PolicyConfiguration.addToExcludedPolicy​(Permission permission)
    Used to add a single excluded policy statement to this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.addToExcludedPolicy​(PermissionCollection permissions)
    Used to add excluded policy statements to this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.addToRole​(String roleName, Permission permission)
    Used to add a single permission to a named role in this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.addToRole​(String roleName, PermissionCollection permissions)
    Used to add permissions to a named role in this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.addToUncheckedPolicy​(Permission permission)
    Used to add a single unchecked policy statement to this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.addToUncheckedPolicy​(PermissionCollection permissions)
    Used to add unchecked policy statements to this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.commit()
    This method is used to set to "inService" the state of the policy context whose interface is this PolicyConfiguration Object.
    void PolicyConfiguration.delete()
    Causes all policy statements to be deleted from this PolicyConfiguration and sets its internal state such that calling any method, other than delete, getContextID, or inService on the PolicyConfiguration will be rejected and cause an UnsupportedOperationException to be thrown.
    static Object PolicyContext.getContext​(String key)
    This method may be used by a Policy provider to activate the PolicyContextHandler registered to the context object key and cause it to return the corresponding policy context object from the container.
    Object PolicyContextHandler.getContext​(String key, Object data)
    This public method is used by the PolicyContext class to activate the handler and obtain from it the context object identified by the (case-sensitive) key.
    String PolicyConfiguration.getContextID()
    This method returns this object's policy context identifier.
    String[] PolicyContextHandler.getKeys()
    This public method returns the keys identifying the context objects supported by the handler.
    abstract PolicyConfiguration PolicyConfigurationFactory.getPolicyConfiguration​(String contextID, boolean remove)
    This method is used to obtain an instance of the provider specific class that implements the PolicyConfiguration interface that corresponds to the identified policy context within the provider.
    static PolicyConfigurationFactory PolicyConfigurationFactory.getPolicyConfigurationFactory()
    This static method uses a system property to find and instantiate (via a public constructor) a provider specific factory implementation class.
    boolean PolicyConfiguration.inService()
    This method is used to determine if the policy context whose interface is this PolicyConfiguration Object is in the "inService" state.
    abstract boolean PolicyConfigurationFactory.inService​(String contextID)
    This method determines if the identified policy context exists with state "inService" in the Policy provider associated with the factory.
    void PolicyConfiguration.linkConfiguration​(PolicyConfiguration link)
    Creates a relationship between this configuration and another such that they share the same principal-to-role mappings.
    static void PolicyContext.registerHandler​(String key, PolicyContextHandler handler, boolean replace)
    Authorization protected method used to register a container specific PolicyContext handler.
    void PolicyConfiguration.removeExcludedPolicy()
    Used to remove any excluded policy statements from this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.removeRole​(String roleName)
    Used to remove a role and all its permissions from this PolicyConfiguration.
    void PolicyConfiguration.removeUncheckedPolicy()
    Used to remove any unchecked policy statements from this PolicyConfiguration.
    boolean PolicyContextHandler.supports​(String key)
    This public method returns a boolean result indicating whether or not the handler supports the context object identified by the (case-sensitive) key value.