Interface ExecutableDescriptor

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the method name in case this descriptor represents a method or the non-qualified name of the declaring class in case this descriptor represents a constructor.
        the name of the executable represented by this descriptor
      • getParameterDescriptors

        java.util.List<ParameterDescriptor> getParameterDescriptors()
        Returns a list of descriptors representing this executable's parameters, in the order of their declaration, including synthetic parameters.
        a list of descriptors representing this executable's parameters; an empty list will be returned if this executable has no parameters, but never null
      • getCrossParameterDescriptor

        CrossParameterDescriptor getCrossParameterDescriptor()
        Returns a descriptor containing the cross-parameter constraints of this executable.
        a descriptor containing the cross-parameter constraints of this executable
      • getReturnValueDescriptor

        ReturnValueDescriptor getReturnValueDescriptor()
        Returns a descriptor for this executable's return value.

        An executable without return value will return a descriptor representing void. This descriptor will have no constraint associated.

        a descriptor for this executable's return value
      • hasConstrainedParameters

        boolean hasConstrainedParameters()
        Returns true if the executable parameters are constrained either:
        • because of a constraint on at least one of the parameters
        • because of a cascade on at least one of the parameters (via Valid)
        • because of at least one cross-parameter constraint

        Also returns false if there is no parameter.

        true if the executable parameters are constrained
      • hasConstrainedReturnValue

        boolean hasConstrainedReturnValue()
        Returns true if the executable return value is constrained either:
        • because of a constraint on the return value
        • because validation is cascaded on the return value (via Valid)

        Also returns false if there is no return value.

        true if the executable return value is constrained