Annotation Type ExtractedValue

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface ExtractedValue
    Marks the type parameter of a generic container type to which a ValueExtractor is tied or specifies the type of the wrapped element(s) of non-generic container types.

    Must be given exactly once for a value extractor type.

    Gunnar Morling, Guillaume Smet
    See Also:
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.Class<?> type
      The type of the value extracted by the ValueExtractor.
    • Element Detail

      • type

        java.lang.Class<?> type
        The type of the value extracted by the ValueExtractor. If not set, the type will be automatically inferred from the type argument of the parameterized type.

        Used to define value extractors for non-generic wrapper types e.g. OptionalInt.

        May not be used when ExtractedValue is defined on the type parameter of a generic container type. A ValueExtractorDefinitionException will be thrown in this case.

        the type of the value extracted by the value extractor