All Classes
Class | Description |
AbortProcessingException |
An exception that may be thrown by event listeners to terminate the processing of the current event.
AbstractConfigProcessor |
This is the base
ConfigProcessor that all concrete ConfigProcessor implementations should
extend. |
AbstractConverterTag |
Base class for all ConverterTag
AbstractHtmlLibrary | |
AbstractSearchKeywordResolverImpl | |
AbstractTagLibrary |
Base class for defining TagLibraries in Java
AbstractTagLibrary.ComponentConfigWrapper | |
AbstractUIHandler | |
AbstractValidatorTag |
Base class for all ValidatorTag
ActionEvent |
ActionEvent represents the activation of a user interface component (such as a UICommand ). |
ActionListener |
A listener interface for receiving
ActionEvent s. |
ActionListenerHandler |
Register an ActionListener instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
ActionListenerHandlerBase |
Register an ActionListener instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
ActionListenerImpl |
This action listener implementation processes action events during the Apply Request Values or Invoke
Application phase of the request processing lifecycle (depending upon the
immediate property of the
ActionSource that queued this event. |
ActionListenerTag |
Tag implementation that creates a
ActionListener instance and registers it on the UIComponent
associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of
UIComponentClassicTagBase . |
ActionListenerWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
ActionListener that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide
specialized behavior to an existing ActionListener instance. |
ActionSource |
ActionSource is an interface that may be implemented by any concrete
UIComponent that wishes
to be a source of ActionEvent s, including the ability to invoke application actions via the default
ActionListener mechanism. |
ActionSource2 |
ActionSource2 extends
ActionSource and provides a JavaBeans property analogous to the
"action " property on ActionSource . |
ActionSource2AttachedObjectHandler |
A VDL handler that exposes
ActionListener to a page author. |
ActionSource2AttachedObjectTarget |
A marker interface for VDL tags that represent
<composite:actionSource/> for use by the
composite component page author. |
ActionSource2AttachedObjectTargetHandler | |
ActionSource2AttachedObjectTargetImpl | |
AjaxBehavior |
An instance of this class is added as a
ClientBehavior to a component using the
ClientBehaviorHolder.addClientBehavior(java.lang.String, jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehavior) contract that components implement. |
AjaxBehaviorEvent |
AjaxBehaviorEvent represents the component behavior
specific to
Ajax ). |
AjaxBehaviorListener |
By implementing this class, an object indicates that it is a listener for one or more kinds of
BehaviorEvent s. |
AjaxBehaviorRenderer | |
AjaxBehaviors |
An instance of the class is used to manage
AjaxBehavior instances. |
AjaxBehaviors.BehaviorInfo | |
AjaxExceptionHandlerImpl |
A specialized implementation of
ExceptionHandler for Faces that handles exceptions by writing error
information to the partial response. |
AjaxHandler |
Enable one or more components in the view to perform Ajax operations.
AjaxNoAjaxExceptionHandler | |
AlwaysPuttingSessionMap | |
AnnotationManager |
This class represents the central point for annotation handling within a web application.
AnnotationProvider |
An integration point for integrators to provide custom annotation scanning.
AnnotationProviderFactory | |
AnnotationScanner |
This class is responsible for ensuring that the class file bytes of classes contained within the web application are
scanned for any of the known Faces configuration Annotations:
AnnotationScanner | |
AnnotationScanner.ScannedAnnotation | |
Application |
Application represents a per-web-application singleton object where applications based
on Jakarta Server Faces (or implementations wishing to provide extended functionality) can register application-wide
singletons that provide functionality required by Jakarta Server Faces.
ApplicationAssociate |
Break out the things that are associated with the Application, but need to be present even when the user has replaced
the Application instance.
ApplicationConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/application . |
ApplicationConfigurationPopulator |
This class defines a
java.util.ServiceLoader service which enables programmatic configuration of the Jakarta
Server Faces runtime using the existing Application Configuration Resources schema. |
ApplicationFactory |
ApplicationFactory is a factory object that
creates (if needed) and returns
Application instances. |
ApplicationFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of
ApplicationFactory . |
ApplicationImpl |
Application represents a per-web-application singleton object where applications based on JavaServer
Faces (or implementations wishing to provide extended functionality) can register application-wide singletons that
provide functionality required by JavaServer Faces.
ApplicationInstanceFactoryMetadataMap<K,V> | |
ApplicationInstanceFactoryMetadataMap.METADATA | |
ApplicationMap | |
ApplicationMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
Object> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getApplicationMap() to be
injected as the value of that field. |
ApplicationMapAnnotationLiteral |
An annotation literal for
@ApplicationMap. |
ApplicationMapProducer |
The ApplicationMapProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the application map using @Inject and allows
EL resolving of #{applicationScope}
ApplicationObjectInputStream |
An ObjectInputStream that can deserialize objects relative to the current application's class loader.
ApplicationProducer |
The ApplicationProducer is the CDI producer that allows EL resolving of #{application}
ApplicationResourceBundle |
Contains an application level resource bundle name and its associated descriptions, if any.
ApplicationScoped | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped , which is a CDI build-in
scope with similar semantics. |
ApplicationStateInfo |
This class maintains per-application information pertaining to partail or full state saving as a whole or partial
state saving with some views using full state saving.
ApplicationWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
Application that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing Application instance. |
ApplyRequestValuesPhase |
ApplyRequestValuesPhase executes
processDecodes on each component in the tree so that it may update it's
current value from the information included in the current request (parameters, headers, c cookies and so on.) |
ArrayDataModel<E> |
ArrayDataModel is a convenience implementation of
DataModel that wraps an array of Java
objects. |
AttachedBehaviors |
This class holds collection of
BehaviorHandler instances, attached to the composite component. |
AttachedObjectHandler |
The abstract base interface for a handler representing an attached object in a VDL page.
AttachedObjectTarget |
Within the declaration of a composite component, an
AttachedObjectTarget allows the
composite component author to expose the semantics of an inner component to the page author without
exposing the rendering or implementation details of the inner component. |
AttachedObjectTargetHandler | |
AttachedObjectTargetImpl | |
Attribute | |
AttributeHandler | |
AttributeHandler |
Sets the specified name and attribute on the parent UIComponent.
AttributeHandler |
An interface that allows other code to identify FaceletHandlers that correspond to component attributes.
AttributeManager |
This class contains mappings between the standard components and the passthrough attributes associated with them.
AttributeManager.Key | |
AttributesHandler | |
AttributeTag |
Tag implementation that adds an attribute with a specified name and String value to the component whose tag it is
nested inside, if the component does not already contain an attribute with the same name.
AttributeTag | Deprecated.
The Faces implementation must now provide the implementation for this class.
BaseTableRenderer |
Base class for concrete Grid and Table renderers.
BaseTableRenderer.TableMetaInfo | |
BaseWebConfigResourceProvider | |
BeanBuilder |
Abstract builder for creating and populating JSF managed beans.
BeanManager |
Main interface for dealing with Faces managed beans
BeanValidation |
Various utility methods for use with the Jakarta Bean Validation API in Jakarta Faces.
BeanValidator |
A Validator that delegates validation of the
bean property to the Bean Validation API.
Behavior |
The Behavior interface is the root API of the component behavior model.
BehaviorBase |
BehaviorBase is a convenience base class that provides a default implementation of the
Behavior contract. |
BehaviorConfig |
Convey the id of a behavior declared in a view.
BehaviorConfigHandler |
ConfigAnnotationHandler for FacesBehavior annotated classes. |
BehaviorConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/behavior . |
BehaviorEvent |
BehaviorEvent is the event that can be generated from
Behavior . |
BehaviorHandler |
FaceletHandler that corresponds to attached objects that represent an instance of
ClientBehavior that must be added to the parent component, which must
implement ClientBehaviorHolder , with a call to
ClientBehaviorHolder.addClientBehavior(java.lang.String, jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehavior) . |
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler |
Represent an attached object that is a
BehaviorHolder in a VDL page. |
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget |
Represent a
BehaviorHolder attached object target in a VDL page. |
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetHandler | |
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetImpl | |
BehaviorHolderWrapper | |
BehaviorListener |
A generic base interface for event listeners for various types of
BehaviorEvent s. |
BigDecimalConverter |
Converter implementation for java.math.BigDecimal values. |
BigIntegerConverter |
Converter implementation for java.math.BigInteger values. |
BodyRenderer |
Renderer is responsible for rendering the standard HTML body element as well as rendering any
resources that should be output before the body tag is closed. |
BooleanConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Boolean (and boolean primitive) values. |
ButtonRenderer |
ButtonRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UICommand
ByteArrayGuard |
This utility class is to provide both encryption and decryption
Ciphers to
ResponseStateManager implementations wishing to provide encryption support. |
ByteArrayGuardAESCTR |
This utility class is to provide both encryption and decryption
Ciphers to
ResponseStateManager implementations wishing to provide encryption support. |
ByteConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Byte (and byte primitive) values. |
Cache<K,V> |
A concurrent caching mechanism.
Cache.Factory<K,V> |
Factory interface for creating various cacheable objects.
CatchHandler | |
CdiConverter |
A delegate to the CDI managed converter.
CdiExtension |
The CDI extension.
CDIUtil | |
CDIUtilImpl | |
CdiUtils |
A static utility class for CDI.
CdiValidator |
A delegate to the CDI managed validator.
ChainAwareVariableResolver |
This special VariableResolver serves as the "original" VariableResolver that is passed to the one-arg ctor for the
first custom VariableResolver that is encountered during application configuration.
ChainTypeCompositeELResolver |
Maintains an ordered composite list of child
ELResolver for Faces . |
CharacterConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Character (and char primitive) values. |
CheckboxRenderer |
CheckboxRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UISelectBoolean
ChooseHandler | |
ChooseOtherwiseHandler | |
ChooseWhenHandler | |
Classpath | |
Classpath.SearchAdvice | |
ClasspathResourceHelper |
A ResourceHelper implementation for finding/serving resources found on the classpath within the
META-INF/resources directory.
ClientBehavior |
ClientBehavior is the base contract for
Behavior s that attach script content to client-side
events exposed by ClientBehaviorHolder components. |
ClientBehaviorBase |
ClientBehaviorBase is a convenience base class that implements the default concrete behavior of all
methods defined by
ClientBehavior . |
ClientBehaviorContext |
ClientBehaviorContext provides context information that may be useful
ClientBehavior.getScript(jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorContext) implementations. |
ClientBehaviorContext.Parameter |
Parameter instances represent name/value pairs that "submitting" ClientBehavior implementations
should include when posting back into the Faces lifecycle.
ClientBehaviorHint |
An enum that specifies hints that describes the behavior of ClientBehavior implementations.
ClientBehaviorHolder |
The ClientBehaviorHolder interface may be implemented by any concrete
UIComponent that wishes to support client behaviors as defined by
ClientBehavior . |
ClientBehaviorRenderer |
A ClientBehaviorRenderer produces the client-side script that implements a
ClientBehavior 's client-side logic. |
ClientResourceInfo |
ClientResourceInfo is a simple wrapper class for information pertinent to building a complete resource
path using a Library. |
ClientSideStateHelper |
StateHelper provides the functionality associated with client-side state saving. |
ClientSideStateHelper.StringBuilderWriter |
A simple
Writer implementation to encapsulate a StringBuilder instance. |
ClientWindow |
This class represents a client window, which may be a browser tab, browser window, browser pop-up, portlet, or
anything else that can display a
UIComponent hierarchy rooted at a
UIViewRoot . |
ClientWindowFactory |
ClientWindow instances based on the incoming request. |
ClientWindowFactoryImpl | |
ClientWindowImpl | |
ClientWindowWrapper |
Wrapper for
ClientWindow |
CloneCopier |
Copier that copies an object using the
Cloneable facility. |
CollectionDataModel<E> |
CollectionDataModel is a convenience implementation of
DataModel that wraps an
Collection of Java objects. |
CollectionsUtils | |
CollectionsUtils.ConstMap<T,V> | |
ColumnTag | |
CommandButtonTag | |
CommandLinkRenderer |
CommandLinkRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UICommand
CommandLinkTag | |
CommandScriptRenderer |
CommandScriptRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UICommand
CommandTagParserImpl |
Parses the command tag attributes and verifies that the required attributes are present
CompilationMessageHolder | |
CompilationMessageHolderImpl | |
Compiler |
A Compiler instance may handle compiling multiple sources
ComponentConfig |
Passed to the constructor of
ComponentHandler . |
ComponentConfigHandler |
ConfigAnnotationHandler for FacesComponent annotated classes. |
ComponentConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/component . |
ComponentHandler |
Public base class for markup element instances that map to
UIComponent instances in the view. |
ComponentNotFoundException |
FacesException for the SearchExpressionHandler , if a component can't be resolved. |
ComponentProducer |
The Component producer is the CDI producer that allows EL resolving of
#{component} |
ComponentRef | |
ComponentRefHandler | |
ComponentResourceContainer | |
ComponentResourceDelegate |
This class overrides key methods from
ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl in order to properly find existing
component resources as well as properly handling the case when this concrete implementations of this class are
applied more than once for a particular request. |
ComponentStruct |
Utility class to enable partial state saving of components that have been dynamically added to the view.
ComponentSupport | |
ComponentSystemEvent |
ComponentSystemEvent is the base class for
SystemEvent s that are specific to a UIComponent instance. |
ComponentSystemEventHelper |
Utility class for dealing with
UIComponent events. |
ComponentSystemEventListener |
Implementors of this class do not need an
isListenerForSource() method because they are only installed
on specific component instances, therefore the isListenerForSource() method is implicit. |
ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl | |
ComponentValidators |
This class is responsible for adding default validators and/or validators that wrap multiple
EditableValueHolder instances within the view. |
ComponentValidators.ValidatorInfo |
Generic information container for a validator at a particular nesting Level.
CompositeAttributePropertyDescriptor |
A property descriptor for a composite component attribute.
CompositeComponentAttributesELResolver |
ELResolver will handle the resolution of attrs when processing a composite component
instance. |
CompositeComponentBeanInfo | |
CompositeComponentExpressionHolder |
This interface must be implemented by the
Map returned by the composite component
ELResolver , described in section of the specification, when evaluating
#{cc.attrs} expressions. |
CompositeComponentImpl | |
CompositeComponentProducer |
The Composite Component producer is the CDI producer that allows EL resolving of
#{cc} |
CompositeComponentStackManager |
CompositeComponentStackManager is responsible for managing the two different composite component stacks
currently used by Mojarra. |
CompositeComponentStackManager.StackType | |
CompositeComponentTagHandler |
Facelet handler responsible for, building the component tree representation of a composite component based on the
metadata contained in the composite interface and implementation sections of the composite component template.
CompositeComponentTagLibrary | |
CompositeFaceletHandler |
A FaceletHandler that is derived of 1 or more, inner FaceletHandlers.
CompositeFacetRenderer |
Renderer is responsible for rendering the content of a facet defined within the using page
template in the desired location within the composite component implementation section. |
CompositeFunctionMapper |
Composite FunctionMapper that attempts to load the Method from the first FunctionMapper, then the second if
null . |
CompositeLibrary | |
CompositeRenderer |
Renderer is responsible for rendering the children defined within the composite implementation
section of a composite component template. |
CompositeSearchKeywordResolver | |
CompositeTagDecorator |
A TagDecorator that is composed of 1 or more TagDecorator instances.
CompositeTagLibrary |
A TagLibrary that is composed of 1 or more TagLibrary children.
CompositeVariableMapper |
Composite VariableMapper that attempts to load the ValueExpression from the first VariableMapper, then the second if
null . |
CompositionHandler | |
ConcurrentCache<K,V> |
Defines a concurrent cache with a factory for creating new object instances.
ConcurrentCache.Factory<K,V> |
Factory interface for creating various cacheable objects.
ConfigAnnotationHandler |
Implementations of the interface will be called during application initialization to process any configuration
annotations within the web application.
ConfigManager |
This class manages the initialization of each web application that uses Faces.
ConfigProcessor |
This interface provides a CoR structure for processing JSF configuration resources.
ConfigurableNavigationHandler |
ConfigurableNavigationHandler extends the contract of
NavigationHandler to allow runtime inspection of the NavigationCase s that make up the rule-base for
navigation. |
ConfigurableNavigationHandlerWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing
ConfigurableNavigationHandler instance. |
ConfigurationException |
This represents any configuration processing problems that could occur.
ConfigurationResourceProvider |
Classes that implement this interface return zero or more
URL s which refer to application configuration
resources. |
ConfigurationResourceProviderFactory |
Factory class for creating
ConfigurationResourceProvider instances using the Java services discovery
mechanism. |
ConfigurationResourceProviderFactory.ProviderType | |
ConfigureListener |
Parse all relevant JavaServer Faces configuration resources, and configure the Reference Implementation runtime
ContextCallback |
A simple callback interace that enables taking action on a specific UIComponent (either facet or child) in the view
while preserving any contextual state for that component instance in the view.
ContextParam |
The enumeration of all our context-param entries.
ContextParamUtils |
A utility class for dealing with context-param entries.
ContextualCompositeMethodExpression |
This specialized
MethodExpression enables the evaluation of composite component expressions. |
ContextualCompositeValueExpression |
This specialized
ValueExpression enables the evaluation of composite component expressions. |
ContractInfo | |
ConvertDateTimeHandler |
Register a DateTimeConverter instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom
ConvertDateTimeTag |
ConvertDateTimeTag is a ConverterTag implementation for jakarta.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter
ConvertDelegateHandler |
Register a named Converter instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
Converter<T> |
Converter is an interface
describing a Java class that can perform Object-to-String and String-to-Object conversions between model data objects
and a String representation of those objects that is suitable for rendering.
ConverterConfig |
A Facelet version of the Jakarta Server Pages
ConverterTag . |
ConverterConfigHandler |
ConfigAnnotationHandler for FacesConverter annotated classes. |
ConverterConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/converter . |
ConverterELTag |
ConverterELTag is a base class for all Jakarta Server Pages custom actions that create and register
Converter instance on the ValueHolder associated with our most immediate surrounding instance
of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of UIComponentClassicTagBase . |
ConverterException |
ConverterException is an exception thrown by the
getAsObject() or
getAsText() method of a Converter , to indicate that the requested conversion cannot be
performed. |
ConverterHandler |
Handles setting a
Converter instance on a ValueHolder
parent. |
ConverterPropertyEditorBase |
Abstract base for a
PropertyEditor that delegates to a faces Converter that was registered by-type
in a faces-config descriptor. |
ConverterPropertyEditorFactory |
Factory for dynamically generating PropertyEditor classes that extend
ConverterPropertyEditorBase and replace
any references to the target class from the template with a supplied target class. |
ConverterPropertyEditorFor_XXXX |
Default template class for the dynamic generation of target-class specific PropertyEditor implementations.
ConverterTag |
Basic implementation of
ConverterELTag . |
ConverterTag | Deprecated.
This has been partially replaced by
ConverterELTag . |
ConverterTag.BindingConverter | |
ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl | |
ConvertNumberHandler |
Register a NumberConverter instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
ConvertNumberTag |
ConvertNumberTag is a ConverterTag implementation for jakarta.faces.convert.NumberConverter
Copier |
Interface that is to be implement by classes that know how to copy an object.
CopierUtils | |
CopyCtorCopier |
Copier that copies an object using its copy constructor.
CoreLibrary |
For Tag details, see Faces Core
CoreTagParserImpl |
Parses the command tag attributes and verifies that the required attributes are present
CoreValidator |
A TagLibrary Validator class to allow a TLD to mandate that Faces tag must have an id if it is a child or sibling of a
Jakarta Standard Tag conditional or iteration tag
CreditCardValidator |
A Validator that checks against a Regular Expression (which is the pattern property).
CreditCardValidatorTag |
Tag for the Regular Expression Validator.
CustomScoped | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by CDI custom scopes and
jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context . |
DataModel<E> |
DataModel is an abstraction around arbitrary data binding
technologies that can be used to adapt a variety of data sources for use by Jakarta Server Faces components that
support per-row processing for their child components (such as
UIData . |
DataModelClassesMapProducer |
The DataModelClassesMapProducer is the CDI producer that allows UIData, UIRepeat and possible other components that
need a DataModel wrapper for a given type to obtain a Map of types to DataModel implementations capable of wrapping
that type.
DataModelEvent |
DataModelEvent represents an event of interest to registered listeners that occurred on the
DataModel . |
DataModelListener |
DataModelListener represents an event listener that wishes to be notified of
DataModelEvent s
occurring on a particular DataModel instance. |
DataTableTag | |
DateTimeConverter |
Converter implementation for
java.util.Date values. |
DbfFactory |
Create and configure DocumentBuilderFactory instances.
DbfFactory.FacesSchema | |
DebugObjectOutputStream | |
DebugUtil |
DebugUtil is a class ...
DeclareFacetHandler | |
DecorateHandler | |
DefaultFaceletFactory |
Default FaceletFactory implementation.
DefaultFunctionMapper |
Default implementation of the FunctionMapper
DefaultResourceResolver | |
DefaultVariableMapper |
Default instance of a VariableMapper backed by a Map
DefineHandler | |
DelegatedEJBScanner |
Scanner implementation responsible for EJB annotations. |
DelegatedPersistenceContextScanner |
Scanner implementation responsible for PersistenceContext annotations. |
DelegatedPersistenceUnitScanner |
Scanner implementation responsible for PersistenceUnit annotations. |
DelegatedResourceScanner |
Scanner implementation responsible for link Resource annotations. |
DelegatingMetaTagHandler |
Enable the Jakarta Server Faces implementation to provide the
appropriate behavior for the kind of
MetaTagHandler subclass for each kind of element in the view, while
providing a base-class from which those wanting to make a Java language custom tag handler can inherit. |
DemuxCompositeELResolver |
Maintains an ordered composite list of child
ELResolver for Faces . |
DevTools |
Utility class for displaying Facelet error/debug information.
DiscoverableInjectionProvider |
InjectionProvider s that implement this interface can be configured via
META-INF/services/com.sun.faces.spi.injectionprovider . |
DoctypeRenderer | |
DocumentInfo |
Associates a Document with a source URL.
DocumentOrderingWrapper |
This class is used by the config system to order
faces-config documents found on the classpath or
configured explicitly via the jakarta.faces.CONFIG_FILES context init parameter. |
Documents | |
DoubleConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Double (and double primitive) values. |
DoubleRangeValidator |
DoubleRangeValidator is a
that checks the value of the corresponding component against specified minimum and maximum values. |
DummyPropertyResolverImpl |
Default propertyResolver implementation that gets the ELContext from the argument FacesContext and calls
setPropertyResolved(false) on it.
EditableValueHolder |
EditableValueHolder is an extension of
ValueHolder that describes additional features supported by editable components, including
ValueChangeEvent s
and Validator s. |
EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler |
A VDL handler that exposes
Validator or
ValueChangeListener to a page author. |
EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget |
A marker interface for VDL tags that represent
<composite:editableValueHolder/> for use by the
composite component page author. |
EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTargetHandler | |
EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTargetImpl | |
EditableValueHolderRule | |
ELConstants | |
ELContextImpl |
Concrete implementation of
ELContext . |
ELContextListenerImpl | |
ELFlash |
How this implementation works
ELResolverInitPhaseListener |
This class is used to register the Faces
ELResolver stack with the Jakarta Server Pages container. |
ELText |
Handles parsing EL Strings in accordance with the EL-API Specification.
ELUtils |
Utility class for EL related methods.
ELUtils.Scope | |
EncodingHandler | |
EnumConverter |
Converter implementation for
java.lang.Enum (and enum primitive) values. |
ErrorBean |
This doesn't really do anything, aside from being a place holder if the managed bean is configured incorrectly.
EvaluationException | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
ELException . |
EventHandler |
This is the TagHandler for the f:event tag.
EventInfo |
Represent a logical association between a SystemEvent and a Source.
Events | |
ExceptionHandler |
ExceptionHandler is the central point for handling unexpected
Exception s that are thrown during the Faces lifecycle. |
ExceptionHandlerFactory |
ExceptionHandlerFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed)
and returns a new
ExceptionHandler instance. |
ExceptionHandlerFactoryImpl |
Default ExceptionHandlerFactory implementation.
ExceptionHandlerImpl |
The default implementation of
ExceptionHandler for Faces. |
ExceptionHandlerWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
ExceptionHandler that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing ExceptionHandler instance. |
ExceptionQueuedEvent |
The system event facility will create an instance of this class whenever
Application.publishEvent(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Object) is called with ExceptionQueuedEvent.class as
systemEventClass argument. |
ExceptionQueuedEventContext |
This helper class provides context to the
ExceptionQueuedEvent regarding the state of the system at the point
in time when the ExceptionQueuedEvent occurs and links the ExceptionQueuedEvent to the
ExceptionHandler by virtue of implementing SystemEventListener . |
ExpiringConcurrentCache<K,V> |
This class implements an abstract ConcurrentCache with objects in the cache potentially expiring.
ExpiringConcurrentCache.ExpiryChecker<K,V> |
Interface for checking whether a cached object expired
ExpressionLanguage | |
ExtensionHandler | |
ExternalContext |
This class
allows the Faces API to be unaware of the nature of its containing application environment.
ExternalContextFactory |
ExternalContextFactory is a factory object that
creates (if needed) and returns new
ExternalContext instances, initialized for the processing of the
specified request and response objects. |
ExternalContextFactoryImpl | |
ExternalContextImpl |
This implementation of
ExternalContext is specific to the servlet implementation. |
ExternalContextProducer |
The ExternalContextProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the ExternalContext using @Inject and allows
EL resolving of #{externalContext}
ExternalContextWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
ExternalContext that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing
ExternalContext instance. |
Facelet |
The parent or root object in a FaceletHandler composition.
FaceletCache<V> | Deprecated. |
FaceletCache<V> |
This API defines the facility by which the Facelets
ViewDeclarationLanguage creates and caches instances of Facelets. |
FaceletCache.InstanceFactory<V> | Deprecated. |
FaceletCache.MemberFactory<V> |
Factory interface for creating Facelet or View Metadata Facelet instances.
FaceletCacheFactory |
Allows customization of the implementation of
FaceletCache . |
FaceletCacheFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of
FaceletCacheFactory . |
FaceletConfigResourceProvider |
Classes that implement this interface return zero or more
URL s which refer to application configuration
resources (i.e. |
FaceletContext |
Context representative of a single request from a Facelet.
FaceletContextImplBase | |
FaceletException |
An Exception from the Facelet implementation
FaceletFullStateManagementStrategy |
A state management strategy for FSS.
FaceletHandler |
This is the root class for markup elements in Facelets VDL.
FaceletLibraryInfo | |
FaceletPartialStateManagementStrategy |
The state management strategy for PSS.
FaceletResourceInfo | |
FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler |
Root class for all tag handlers that represent attached objetcts in a Facelets page.
FaceletsConfiguration | |
FaceletsResourceResolver |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the class with the runtime as a
ResourceResolver . |
FaceletTaglibConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-taglib . |
FaceletViewHandlingStrategy |
ViewHandlingStrategy handles Facelets/PDL-based views. |
FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.NullWriter |
Simple no-op writer.
FaceletWebappResourceHelper | |
FacesBehavior |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the class with the runtime as a
Behavior . |
FacesBehaviorRenderer |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the class with the runtime as a
ClientBehaviorRenderer . |
FacesComponent |
The presence of this annotation on a class that extends
must cause the runtime to register this class as a component suitable for inclusion in a view. |
FacesComponentTagLibrary | |
FacesComponentUsage | |
FacesCompositeELResolver |
Maintains an ordered composite list of child
ELResolver for Faces . |
FacesCompositeELResolver.ELResolverChainType |
JSP indicates this CompositeELResolver instance is the Jakarta Server Pages chain, specified in section 5.6.1 of the spec.
FacesConfig |
The presence of this annotation on a managed bean deployed within an application causes version specific features to
be enabled as specified in the enum
FacesConfig.Version |
FacesConfig.Version | |
FacesConfigAnnotationLiteral |
An annotation literal for
@FacesConfig. |
FacesConfigExtensionProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/factory . |
FacesConfigInfo |
Wrapper around the
/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml , if present, to expose information relevant to the
intialization of the runtime. |
FacesConfigResourceProvider |
Classes that implement this interface return zero or more
URL s which refer to application configuration
resources (i.e. |
FacesContext |
FacesContext contains all of
the per-request state information related to the processing of a single Jakarta Server Faces request, and the
rendering of the corresponding response.
FacesContextFactory |
FacesContextFactory is a
factory object that creates (if needed) and returns new
FacesContext instances, initialized for the
processing of the specified request and response objects. |
FacesContextFactoryImpl | |
FacesContextImpl | |
FacesContextProducer |
The FacesContextProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the FacesContext using @Inject and allows EL
resolving of #{facesContext}
FacesContextWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation
FacesContext that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing
FacesContext instance. |
FacesConverter |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the
class with the runtime as a
Converter . |
FacesDataModel | |
FacesEvent |
FacesEvent is the base class for user interface and application events that can be fired by
UIComponent s. |
FacesException |
This class encapsulates general Jakarta Server Faces exceptions.
FacesFileNotFoundException | |
FacesFlowDefinitionConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/flow-definition . |
FacesInitializer |
Adds mappings *.xhtml, /faces, *.jsf, and *.faces for the FacesServlet (if it
hasn't already been mapped) if the following conditions are met:
Set of classes passed to this initializer is not empty, or
/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml exists, or
A CDI enabled bean with qualifier FacesConfig can be obtained
FacesListener |
A generic base interface for event listeners for various types of
FacesEvent s. |
FacesLogger |
enum of all application Logger s. |
FacesMessage |
FacesMessage represents a single validation (or other) message, which is typically associated with a
particular component in the view.
FacesMessage.Severity |
Class used to represent message severity levels in a typesafe enumeration.
FacesRenderer |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the class with the runtime as a
Renderer . |
FacesResourceBundleELResolver | |
FacesServlet |
FacesServlet is a Jakarta Servlet servlet that manages the request processing
lifecycle for web applications that are utilizing Jakarta Server Faces to construct the user interface.
FacesValidator |
Base class for all faces TLVs
FacesValidator |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the
class with the runtime as a
Validator . |
FacesWrapper<T> |
Any wrapper class in Jakarta Server Faces that must provide access to the
object it wraps must implement this interface.
FacetHandler |
Register a named facet on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
FacetHandler |
An interface that allows other code to identify FaceletHandlers that correspond to component facets.
FacetTag |
FacetTag is the Jakarta Server Pages mechanism for denoting a
UIComponent is to be added as a facet to the component associated with
its parent. |
FactoryConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/factory . |
FactoryFinder |
FactoryFinder implements the standard discovery algorithm for all factory objects
specified in the Jakarta Server Faces APIs.
FastStringWriter |
This is based on
StringWriter but backed by a StringBuilder instead. |
FastWriter | |
FileRenderer | |
FilterClassesFromFacesInitializerAnnotationProvider |
This class is the default implementation of AnnotationProvider referenced by the AnnotationProviderFactory.
FindAnnotatedConfigClasses |
Scans the class files within a web application returning a
Set of classes that have been annotated with
a standard Faces annotation (possibly limited to the annotations that denote configurable elements) |
FindConfigResourceURIsTask |
Callable will be used by
ConfigManager#getXMLDocuments(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, java.util.List, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService, boolean) . |
Flash |
The Flash concept is taken from Ruby on Rails and provides
a way to pass temporary objects between the user views generated by the faces lifecycle.
FlashELResolver |
Provide a feature semantically identical to the
"flash" concept in Ruby on
FlashFactory |
FlashFactory is a factory object that creates (if
needed) and returns
Flash instances. |
FlashFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of
FlashFactory . |
FlashProducer |
The Flash producer is the CDI producer that allows EL resolving of #{flash}
FlashWrapper | |
FloatConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Float (and float primitive) values. |
Flow |
Flow is the runtime representation of a Faces Flow.
FlowBuilder |
A Java language API for building
Flow s. |
FlowBuilderImpl | |
FlowBuilderParameter |
The presence of this annotation on a CDI producer method for the
FlowDefinition annotation causes the
FlowBuilder to be passed to that method. |
FlowCallBuilder |
Create a flow call node in the current
Flow . |
FlowCallBuilderImpl | |
FlowCallNode | |
FlowCallNodeImpl | |
FlowCDIContext | |
FlowCDIEventFireHelper | |
FlowCDIEventFireHelperImpl | |
FlowCDIExtension | |
FlowDefinition |
The presence of this annotation on a CDI producer method indicates that the method will produce a flow.
FlowDiscoveryCDIExtension | |
FlowDiscoveryCDIHelper | |
FlowDiscoveryInfo | |
FlowHandler |
FlowHandler is the main entry point that enables the runtime to
interact with the faces flows feature.
FlowHandlerFactory |
FlowHandlerFactory is used by the
Application to create the
singleton instance of FlowHandler . |
FlowHandlerFactoryImpl | |
FlowHandlerFactoryWrapper |
FlowHandlerFactoryWrapper provides a simple implementation of
FlowHandlerFactory that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing FlowHandlerFactory instance. |
FlowHandlerImpl | |
FlowImpl | |
FlowMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<Object,
Object> causes the map returned from FlowHandler.getCurrentFlowScope() to be
injected as the value of that field. |
FlowMapProducer |
The Flow map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the flow map using
@Inject . |
FlowNode |
FlowNode is the base class for all nodes in a faces flow graph.
FlowScoped |
FlowScoped is a CDI scope that causes the runtime to consider classes
with this annotation to be in the scope of the specified
Flow . |
FocusHTMLRenderer |
Renderer class that emits HTML and JavaScript to set the focus to a given field.
FocusTag |
Tag to set focus to a given field.
ForEachHandler | |
FormRenderer |
FormRenderer is a class that renders a UIForm
FormTag | |
FullVisitContext |
A VisitContext implementation that is used when performing a full component tree visit.
FunctionLibrary |
TagLibrary exposes the public static methods defined on the
functionsClass provided to the constructor as EL functions. |
GraphicImageTag | |
GridRenderer |
GridRenderer is a class that renders
UIPanel component as a "Grid". |
GroupRenderer |
Arbitrary grouping "renderer" that simply renders its children recursively in the
encodeEnd() method. |
HeaderMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
String> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getRequestHeaderMap() to
be injected as the value of that field. |
HeaderMapProducer |
The Header map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the header map using @Inject.
HeaderValuesMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
String[]> causes the map returned from
ExternalContext.getRequestHeaderValuesMap() to be injected as the value of that field. |
HeaderValuesMapProducer |
The Header values map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the header values map using @Inject.
HeadRenderer |
HiddenRenderer |
HiddenRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UIInput
HighAvailabilityEnabler |
This interface is for Faces to check if the app server has HA enabled.
HtmlBasicInputRenderer |
HtmlBasicInputRenderer is a base class for implementing renderers that support UIInput type components
HtmlBasicRenderer |
HtmlBasicRenderer is a base class for implementing renderers for HtmlBasicRenderKit.
HtmlBasicRenderer.OptionComponentInfo |
Structure to hold common info used by Select* components to reduce the number of times component attributes are
evaluated when rendering options.
HtmlBasicRenderer.Param |
Simple class to encapsulate the name and value of a
UIParameter . |
HtmlBasicValidator |
Top level validator for the html_basic tld
HtmlBody |
HtmlBody.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlColumn |
Represents a column that will be rendered in an HTML
table element. |
HtmlColumn.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlCommandButton |
Represents an HTML
input element for a button of type submit or reset . |
HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlCommandLink |
Represents an HTML
a element for a hyperlink that acts like a submit button. |
HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlCommandScript |
Represents an HTML
script element for a function that acts like an ajax form submit. |
HtmlCommandScript.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlComponentHandler | |
HtmlDataTable |
Represents a set of repeating data (segregated into columns by child UIColumn components) that will be rendered in an
table element. |
HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlDecorator | |
HtmlDoctype |
HtmlDoctype.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlForm |
Represents an HTML
form element. |
HtmlForm.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlGraphicImage |
Represents an HTML
img element, used to retrieve and render a graphical image. |
HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlHead |
HtmlHead.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlInputFile | |
HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlInputHidden |
Represents an HTML
input element of type hidden . |
HtmlInputHidden.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlInputSecret |
Represents an HTML
input element of type password . |
HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlInputText |
Represents an HTML
input element of type text . |
HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlInputTextarea |
Represents an HTML
textarea element. |
HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlLibrary | |
HtmlMessage |
By default, the
rendererType property must be set to "jakarta.faces.Message ". |
HtmlMessage.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlMessages |
By default, the
rendererType property must be set to "jakarta.faces.Messages ". |
HtmlMessages.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlOutcomeTargetButton |
Represents an HTML
input element of type "button" or image that may be used to link to a URL handled by
the Faces Servlet resolved preemptively using the logical outcome defined by the outcome property. |
HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlOutcomeTargetLink |
Represents an HTML
a (hyperlink) element that may be used to link to a URL handled by the Faces Servlet
resolved preemptively using the logical outcome defined by the outcome property. |
HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlOutputFormat |
Represents a component that looks up a localized message in a resource bundle, optionally uses it as a
MessageFormat pattern string and substitutes in parameter values from nested UIParameter
components, and renders the result. |
HtmlOutputFormat.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlOutputLabel |
Represents an HTML
label element, used to define an accessible label for a corresponding input element. |
HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlOutputLink |
Represents an HTML
a (hyperlink) element that may be used to link to an arbitrary URL defined by the
value property. |
HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlOutputText |
Renders the component value as text, optionally wrapping in a
span element if I18N attributes, CSS
styles or style classes are specified. |
HtmlOutputText.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlPanelGrid |
Renders child components in a table, starting a new row after the specified number of columns.
HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlPanelGroup |
Causes all child components of this component to be rendered.
HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlResponseWriter |
HtmlResponseWriter is an Html specific implementation of the
ResponseWriter abstract
class. |
HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox |
Represents an HTML
input element of type
checkbox . |
HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlSelectManyCheckbox |
Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered as a set
input elements of type checkbox . |
HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlSelectManyListbox |
Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered as an HTML
select element, showing either all
available options or the specified number of options. |
HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlSelectManyMenu |
Represents a multiple-selection component that is rendered as an HTML
select element, showing a single
available option at a time. |
HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlSelectOneListbox |
Represents a single-selection component that is rendered as an HTML
select element, showing either all
available options or the specified number of options. |
HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlSelectOneMenu |
Represents a single-selection component that is rendered as an HTML
select element, showing a single
available option at a time. |
HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlSelectOneRadio |
Represents a single-selection component that is rendered as a set of
input elements of type radio . |
HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys | |
HtmlUtils |
Utility class for HTML.
HttpMethodRestrictionsPhaseListener | |
IdMapper |
Used to provide aliases to Facelets generated unique IDs with tend to be womewhat long.
IdTagParserImpl |
Parses tags to verify that an id attribute is present if it is determined to be required
IfHandler | |
ImageRenderer |
ImageRenderer is a class that handles the rendering of the graphic ImageTag
ImplementationHandler | |
ImplicitObjectELResolver | |
ImplicitObjectELResolverForJsp | |
IncludeHandler | |
IndexedValueExpression | |
InitFacesContext |
A special, minimal implementation of FacesContext used at application initialization time.
InitParameterMap | |
InitParameterMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
String> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getInitParameterMap() to
be injected as the value of that field. |
InitParameterMapProducer |
The init parameter map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the init parameter map using @Inject.
InjectionApplicationFactory |
ApplicationFactory is responsible for injecting the default
Application instance into the top-level Application as configured by the runtime. |
InjectionFacesContextFactory |
FacesContextFactory is responsible for injecting the default FacesContext instance into the
top-level FacesContext as configured by the runtime. |
InjectionPointGenerator |
This is a work around in order to be able to get
InjectionPoint in CdiProducer . |
InjectionProvider |
This interface defines an integration point for Jakarta EE vendors.
InjectionProviderException |
Wraps any exception thrown by an implementation of
InjectionProvider . |
InjectionProviderFactory |
A factory for creating
InjectionProvider instances. |
InputFileTag | |
InputHiddenTag | |
InputSecretTag | |
InputTextareaTag | |
InputTextTag | |
InsertChildrenHandler |
TagHandler is responsible for relocating children defined within a composite component to a
component within the composite component's composite:implementation section. |
InsertFacetHandler |
TagHandler is responsible for relocating Facets defined within a composite component to a component
within the composite component's composite:implementation section. |
InsertHandler | |
InstanceFactory | |
IntegerConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Integer (and int primitive) values. |
InterfaceHandler | |
InvokeApplicationPhase |
Lifetime And Scope
IterableDataModel<E> |
IterableDataModel is an implementation of
DataModel that wraps an Iterable . |
IteratedValueExpression | |
IterationIdManager | |
IterationStatus | |
IterationStatusExpression | |
JndiHandler |
An abstract RuntimeAnnotationHandler that is capable of dealing with JNDI.
JsfRIRuntimePopulator | |
Json |
Generic JSON encoder using jakarta.json API.
Json.Option | |
JspStateManagementStrategy |
A state management strategy for JSP.
JspViewHandlingStrategy |
ViewHandlingStrategy handles JSP-based views. |
JstlCoreLibrary |
The JSTL c library.
JstlFunction |
Implementations of JSTL Functions
JstlIterationStatus | |
LabelRenderer |
LabelRenderer renders Label element.
LazyTagLibrary | |
LegacyELContext | Deprecated. |
LegacyMethodBinding | Deprecated. |
LegacyValueBinding | Deprecated. |
LengthValidator |
LengthValidator is a
Validator that checks the number of
characters in the String representation of the value of the associated component. |
LibraryInfo |
LibraryInfo is a simple wrapper class for information pertinent to building a complete resource path
using a Library and/or Contract. |
Lifecycle |
Lifecycle manages the processing of the entire lifecycle of a
particular Jakarta Server Faces request.
LifecycleConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/lifecycle . |
LifecycleFactory |
LifecycleFactory is a factory object that creates
(if needed) and returns
Lifecycle instances. |
LifecycleFactoryImpl |
LifecycleFactoryImpl is the stock implementation of Lifecycle in the JSF RI.
LifecycleImpl |
LifecycleImpl is the stock implementation of the standard Lifecycle in the JavaServer Faces RI.
LifecycleWrapper | |
LinkRenderer |
LinkRenderer acts as superclass for CommandLinkRenderer and OutputLinkRenderer.
ListboxRenderer |
ListRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UISelectOne
ListDataModel<E> |
ListDataModel is a convenience implementation of
DataModel that wraps an List
of Java objects. |
ListenerFor |
Classes tagged with this annotation are installed as listeners using the method
Application.subscribeToEvent(java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Class<?>, jakarta.faces.event.SystemEventListener) or
UIComponent.subscribeToEvent(java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEventListener) (depending on the circumstances, described below). |
ListenersFor |
Container annotation to specify multiple
ListenerFor annotations on a single class. |
LoadBundleHandler |
Load a resource bundle localized for the Locale of the current view, and expose it (as a Map) in the request
attributes of the current request.
LoadBundleTag |
Tag action that loads the specified ResourceBundle as a Map into the request scope of the current
FacesContext . |
Location |
An object that represents the Location of a tag or attribute of a tag in a View Declaration Language file.
LongConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Long (and long primitive) values. |
LongRangeValidator |
LongRangeValidator is a
Validator that checks the value
of the corresponding component against specified minimum and maximum values. |
LRUMap<K,V> |
A special implementation of
LinkedHashMap to provide LRU functionality. |
ManagedBean | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by the Managed Beans specification in general and specifically the dependency
injection, scopes and naming from the CDI specification.
ManagedBeanBuilder |
This builder creates standard managed beans, i.e.
ManagedBeanConfigHandler |
ConfigAnnotationHandler for ManagedBean annotated classes. |
ManagedBeanConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/managed-bean . |
ManagedBeanCreationException |
Indicates an error in the ManagedBean, be it a user error or runtime error.
ManagedBeanELResolver | |
ManagedBeanInfo |
This class represents the parsed metadata for a
managed-bean entry within a faces-config.xml. |
ManagedBeanInfo.ListEntry | |
ManagedBeanInfo.ManagedProperty | |
ManagedBeanInfo.MapEntry | |
ManagedBeanPreProcessingException |
Represents errors from managed bean pre-processing.
ManagedBeanPreProcessingException.Type | |
ManagedListBeanBuilder |
This builder builds beans that are defined as
List instances. |
ManagedMapBeanBuilder |
This builder builds beans that are defined as
Map instances. |
ManagedProperty |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of any type causes the value returned from
evaluating an expression language expression to be injected as the value of that field. |
ManagedProperty | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
jakarta.faces.annotation.ManagedProperty , which is a CDI build-in bean
with similar semantics |
ManagedPropertyProducer |
The ManagedPropertyProducer is the CDI producer that allows evaluation of arbitrary EL expressions.
MappedValueExpression | |
MaxMinValidatorTag |
MaxMinValidatorTag contains ivars for maximumSet and minimumSet.
MenuRenderer |
MenuRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UISelectOne
MessageFactory |
supported filters:
package and protection . |
MessageFactory |
supported filters:
package and protection . |
MessageRenderer |
MessageRenderer handles rendering for the Message
MessagesRenderer |
MessagesRenderer handles rendering for the Messages
MessagesTag | |
MessageTag | |
MessageUtils |
This class contains all message constants and utility methods for creating
FacesMessage instances or
localized String s for said constants. |
Metadata |
There are concrete subclasses within the implementation that map concepts in the Facelet VDL page to Jakarta Server
Faces Java API calls the appropriate instances.
MetadataHandler |
This is a specialized
FacetHandler to enable f:metadata support. |
MetadataTarget | |
MetadataTargetImpl | |
MetadataWrapperMap<K,V> | |
MetaInfFaceletTaglibraryConfigProvider | |
MetaInfFacesConfigResourceProvider | |
MetaRule |
The root class of the abstraction that dictates how attributes on a markup element in a Facelets VDL page are wired
to the Jakarta Server Faces API object instance associated with that element.
MetaRuleset |
A mutable set of rules to be used in auto-wiring state to a particular object instance.
MetaRulesetImpl | |
MetaTagHandler |
Every kind of markup element in Facelets VDL that has attributes that need to take action on a Jakarta Server Faces
Java API artifact is associated with an instance of this class.
MetaTagHandlerImpl |
A base tag for wiring state to an object instance based on rules populated at the time of creating a MetaRuleset.
MethodBinding | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
MethodExpression . |
MethodBindingMethodExpressionAdapter |
Wrap a MethodExpression instance and expose it as a MethodBinding
MethodCallBuilder |
Create a method call node in the current
Flow . |
MethodCallBuilderImpl | |
MethodCallNode |
Represents a method call node in the flow graph.
MethodCallNodeImpl | |
MethodExpressionActionListener | |
MethodExpressionMethodBindingAdapter |
Wrap a MethodBinding instance and expose it as a MethodExpression.
MethodExpressionValidator |
MethodExpressionValidator is a
Validator that wraps a
MethodExpression , and it performs validation by executing a method on an object identified by the
MethodExpression . |
MethodExpressionValueChangeListener | |
MethodNotFoundException | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
MethodNotFoundException . |
MethodRule |
Optional Rule for binding Method[Binding|Expression] properties
MojarraFacesConfigResourceProvider | |
MojarraThreadFactory | |
MostlySingletonSet<E> | |
MultiKeyConcurrentHashMap<K,V> |
This code is based off the source for ConcurrentHashMap from JDK 5 with the ability of mapping multiple keys to a
single value.
MultiStrategyCopier |
Copier that copies an object trying a variety of strategies until one succeeds.
MultiViewHandler |
ViewHandler implementation handles both JSP-based and Facelets/PDL-based views. |
MutableNavigationCase |
NavigationCase represents a
<navigation-case> in
the navigation rule base, as well as the <from-view-id> with
which this <navigation-case> is a sibling. |
NamedEvent |
The presence of this annotation on a class automatically registers the class with the runtime as a
ComponentSystemEvent for use with the <f:event /> tag in a page. |
NamedEventConfigHandler |
This class handles the processing the NamedEvent annotation.
NamedEventManager |
Note: New, relevant spec'd ComponentSystemEvents must be added to the constructor
NamingContainer |
NamingContainer is an interface that must be implemented by any
UIComponent that wants to be a naming container. |
NavigationCase |
NavigationCase represents a
<navigation-case> in
the navigation rule base, as well as the <from-view-id> with
which this <navigation-case> is a sibling. |
NavigationCaseBuilder |
Create a navigation case in the current
Flow . |
NavigationCaseBuilderImpl | |
NavigationCaseWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
NavigationCase that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing NavigationCase instance. |
NavigationConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/managed-bean . |
NavigationHandler |
A NavigationHandler is passed the
outcome string returned by an application action invoked for this application, and will use this (along with related
state information) to choose the view to be displayed next.
NavigationHandlerImpl |
NavigationHandlerImpl is the class that implements default navigation handling.
NavigationHandlerWrapper |
NavigationHandlerWrapper provides a simple implementation of
NavigationHandler that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing
NavigationHandler instance. |
NewInstanceCopier |
Copier that doesn't actually copy an object fully, but just returns a new instance of the same type.
NodeBuilder |
Base interface for building all kinds of flow nodes.
NoneScoped | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent , which is a CDI build-in scope
with approximately similar semantics. |
NoOpELContext | |
NoOpFacesContext | |
NoOpFlash | |
NumberConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Number
values. |
OutcomeTargetButtonRenderer | |
OutcomeTargetLinkRenderer | |
OutcomeTargetRenderer | |
OutputFormatTag | |
OutputLabelTag | |
OutputLinkRenderer |
OutputLinkRenderer is a class ...
OutputLinkTag | |
OutputMessageRenderer |
OutputMessageRenderer is a class that renderes UIOutput
OutputTextTag | |
PanelGridTag | |
PanelGroupTag | |
Parameter |
Represents a parameter in any of several places where parameters are needed when processing flows.
ParameterImpl | |
ParameterizedTypeImpl |
ParameterizedTypeImpl is a basic implementation of the ParameterizedType interface.
ParameterTag | |
ParamHandler | |
ParseConfigResourceToDOMTask |
Callable will be used by
ConfigManager#getXMLDocuments(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, java.util.List, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService, boolean) . |
PartialResponseWriter |
PartialResponseWriter decorates an existing
ResponseWriter to support the generation of
a partial response suitable for Ajax operations. |
PartialStateHolder |
Components that want to leverage the partial state saving feature must implement this interface instead of
StateHolder , from which this interface inherits. |
PartialViewContext |
PartialViewContext contains
methods and properties that pertain to partial request processing and partial response rendering on a view.
PartialViewContextFactory |
PartialViewContextFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and
returns new
PartialViewContext instances. |
PartialViewContextFactoryImpl |
Factory to vend the default
PartialViewContext instance. |
PartialViewContextImpl | |
PartialViewContextWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
PartialViewContext that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an
existing PartialViewContext instance. |
PartialVisitContext |
A VisitContext implementation that is used when performing a partial component tree visit.
PassThroughAttributeHandler |
Sets the specified name and attribute on the parent UIComponent.
PassThroughAttributeLibrary | |
PassThroughAttributesHandler | |
PassthroughElement |
Causes all child components of this component to be rendered.
PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys | |
PassThroughElementComponentHandler | |
PassThroughElementLibrary | |
PassthroughRenderer | |
Path | |
Phase |
A Phase is a single step in the processing of a JavaServer Faces request throughout its entire
Lifecycle . |
PhaseEvent |
PhaseEvent represents the beginning or ending of processing for a particular phase of the request
processing lifecycle, for the request encapsulated by the specified
FacesContext . |
PhaseId |
Typesafe enumeration of the legal values that may be returned by the
getPhaseId() method of the FacesEvent interface. |
PhaseListener |
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for each
standard phase of the request processing lifecycle.
PhaseListenerHandler | |
PhaseListenerTag |
Tag implementation that creates a
PhaseListener instance and registers it on the UIViewRoot
associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose component is an instance of
UIViewRoot . |
PostAddToViewEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener
implementation may assume that the source of this event instance is a UIComponent instance and
that either that instance or an ancestor of that instance was just added to the view. |
PostConstructApplicationEvent |
This event must be published by the runtime after all configuration resources have been parsed and processed.
PostConstructCustomScopeEvent |
This class is provided to allow custom scopes to publish a "post construct" event in the same way that other scopes
do to let the application become aware of the beginning of the scope.
PostConstructViewMapEvent |
This event must be published by a call to {jakarta.faces.application.Application#publishEvent} when the view map is
first created.
PostKeepFlashValueEvent |
This event must be published by a call to
Application.publishEvent(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Object) when a value is
kept in the flash. |
PostPutFlashValueEvent |
This event must be published by a call to
Application.publishEvent(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Object) when a value is
stored in the flash. |
PostRenderViewEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is the UIViewRoot instance that has just been rendered. |
PostRestoreStateEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is in a tree that has just had its state restored. |
PostValidateEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is the UIComponent instance that is that has just been validated. |
PreClearFlashEvent |
This event must be published by a call to
Application.publishEvent(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Object) before the flash
is cleared. |
PreDestroyApplicationEvent |
This event must be published by the runtime before the factories associated with this
are released. |
PreDestroyCustomScopeEvent |
This class is provided to allow custom scopes to publish a "pre construct" event in the same way that other scopes do
to let the application become aware of the beginning of the scope.
PreDestroyViewMapEvent |
This event must be published by a call to
Application.publishEvent(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Object) when the
clear method is called on the map returned from UIViewRoot.getViewMap() . |
PreJsf2ExceptionHandlerFactory |
ExceptionHandlerFactory instance produces Jakarta Server Faces 1.2 compatible ExceptionHandler
instances. |
PreRemoveFlashValueEvent |
This event must be published by a call to
Application.publishEvent(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class<? extends jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent>, java.lang.Object) when a value is
removed from the flash. |
PreRemoveFromViewEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is a UIComponent instance that is about to be removed from the
view. |
PreRenderComponentEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is the UIComponent instance that is about to be rendered and that
it is safe to call UIComponent.getParent() , UIComponent.getClientId() , and other methods that depend upon
the component instance being in the view. |
PreRenderViewEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is the UIViewRoot instance that is about to be rendered. |
PreValidateEvent |
When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.SystemEvent) or
ComponentSystemEventListener.processEvent(jakarta.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent) , the listener implementation may assume that the
source of this event instance is the UIComponent instance that is about to be validated. |
PrivateApiFaceletCacheAdapter<V> | |
ProcessValidationsPhase |
ProcessValidationsPhase executes
processValidators on each component in the tree. |
ProjectStage |
This class enables a feature similar to the
RAILS_ENV feature of the Ruby on Rails web framework. |
ProjectStageJndiFactory |
Allows configuring ProjectStage at a server (or in GlassFish's case domain) level.
PropertyEditorHelper |
Helper class to aid the ConverterPropertyEditorBase in converting properties.
PropertyNotFoundException | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
PropertyNotFoundException . |
PropertyResolver | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
ELResolver . |
PropertyResolverChainWrapper | |
PropertyResolverImpl |
Concrete implementation of
PropertyResolver . |
ProtectedViewException |
This exception is thrown by the runtime when a violation of the view protection mechanism is encountered.
ProtectedViewsConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /protected-views . |
ProvideMetadataToAnnotationScanTask | |
Push |
The CDI annotation
@ Push allows you to inject a PushContext associated with a given
<f:websocket> channel in any container managed artifact in WAR. |
PushContext |
CDI interface to send a message object to the push socket channel as identified by
@ Push . |
RadioRenderer |
ReadoRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UISelectOne
RadioRenderer.Group |
Keeps track of all
RadioRenderer.GroupSelectItem |
Used when a
ReentrantLisneterInvocationGuard | |
ReferencedBean | Deprecated.
The referenced-bean concept was used for a design time promise which however did not achieve widespread
ReferenceSyntaxException | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
ELException . |
ReflectionUtil | |
ReflectionUtils |
A set of utility methods to make working with Classes and Reflection a little easier.
RegexValidator |
A Validator that checks against a Regular Expression (which is the
pattern property).
RegexValidatorTag |
Tag for the Regular Expression Validator.
Renderer |
A Renderer converts the internal representation of
UIComponent s into the output stream (or writer) associated with the response we are creating for a particular
request. |
RendererWrapper | |
RenderFacetHandler | |
RenderKit |
RenderKit represents a collection of
instances that, together, know how to render Jakarta Server Faces UIComponent instances for a specific
client. |
RenderKitConfigHandler |
ConfigAnnotationHandler FacesRenderer annotated classes. |
RenderKitConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/render-kit . |
RenderKitFactory |
RenderKitFactory is a factory object that
registers and returns
RenderKit instances. |
RenderKitFactoryImpl | |
RenderKitImpl |
RenderKitImpl is a class ...
RenderKitUtils |
A set of utilities for use in
RenderKit s. |
RenderKitUtils.PredefinedPostbackParameter | |
RenderKitWrapper | |
RenderPropertyRule | |
RenderResponsePhase |
Lifetime And Scope
RepeatHandler | |
RepeatRenderer | |
RequestCookieMap | |
RequestCookieMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
Object> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getRequestCookieMap() to
be injected as the value of that field. |
RequestCookieMap | |
RequestCookieMapProducer |
The CookieMapProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the request cookie map using @Inject and allows
the EL resolving of #{cookie}
RequestHeaderMap | |
RequestHeaderValuesMap | |
RequestMap | |
RequestMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
Object> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getRequestMap() to be
injected as the value of that field. |
RequestMapProducer |
The RequestMapProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the request map using @Inject.
RequestParameterMap | |
RequestParameterMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
String> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getRequestParameterMap()
to be injected as the value of that field. |
RequestParameterMapProducer |
The request parameter map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the request parameter map
using @Inject.
RequestParameterValuesMap | |
RequestParameterValuesMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
String []> causes the map returned from
ExternalContext.getRequestParameterValuesMap() to be injected as the value of that field. |
RequestParameterValuesMapProducer |
The request parameter values map producer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the request parameter values
map using @Inject.
RequestProducer |
The RequestProducer is the CDI producer that allows EL resolving of #{request}
RequestScoped | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
jakarta.enterprise.context.RequestScoped , which is a CDI build-in scope
with similar semantics. |
RequestStateManager |
This helper class is used a central location for per-request state that is needed by Mojarra.
RequiredValidator |
A Validator that checks for an empty value in the same way that UIInput checks for a value.
ResetValuesHandler | |
Resource | |
Resource |
An instance of
Resource is a Java object representation of the artifact that is served up in response to a resource
request from the client. |
ResourceCache |
This is the caching mechanism for caching ResourceInfo instances to offset the cost of looking up the resource.
ResourceDependencies |
Container annotation to specify multiple
ResourceDependency annotations on a single class. |
ResourceDependency |
Instances of
UIComponent or Renderer that have this
annotation (or ResourceDependencies attached at the class level will automatically have a resource dependency
added so that the named resource will be present in user agent's view of the UIViewRoot in which this
component or renderer is used. |
ResourceELResolver |
ELResolver to resolve expressions like the following:
ResourceHandler |
ResourceHandler is the
run-time API by which
UIComponent and Renderer
instances, and the ViewDeclarationLanguage can reference
Resource instances. An implementation of this class must be thread-safe. |
ResourceHandlerImpl |
This is the default implementation of
ResourceHandler . |
ResourceHandlerProducer |
The ResourceHandlerProducer is the CDI producer that allows you to inject the ResourceHandler and to do EL resolving
of #{resource}
ResourceHandlerWrapper |
Provides a simple
implementation of
ResourceHandler that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized
behavior to an existing ResourceHandler instance. |
ResourceHelper |
Implementations of this class contain the knowledge for finding and serving web application resources.
ResourceImpl |
Default implementation of
Resource . |
ResourceInfo | |
ResourceLibraryContractsConfigProcessor | |
ResourceManager |
This class is used to lookup
ResourceInfo instances and cache any that are successfully looked up to reduce
the computational overhead with the scanning/version checking. |
ResourcePathsIterator | |
ResourceResolver | Deprecated. |
ResourceVisitOption |
Defines the resource traversal options.
ResourceWrapper | |
ResponseStateManager |
ResponseStateManager is the helper class to
StateManager that knows the specific rendering technology being used to generate
the response. |
ResponseStateManagerImpl |
ResonseStateManager implementation for the default HTML render kit. |
ResponseStream |
ResponseStream is an interface describing an adapter to an underlying output mechanism for binary
ResponseWriter |
ResponseWriter is an abstract class describing an adapter
to an underlying output mechanism for character-based output.
ResponseWriterWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
ResponseWriter that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing
ResponseWriter instance. |
RestoreViewPhase |
Lifetime And Scope
ResultDataModel |
ResultDataModel is a convenience implementation of
DataModel that wraps a JSTL
Result object, typically representing the results of executing an SQL query via JSTL tags. |
ResultSetDataModel |
ResultSetDataModel is a convenience implementation of
DataModel that wraps a
ResultSet of Java objects. |
ReturnBuilder |
Create a return node in the current
Flow . |
ReturnBuilderImpl | |
ReturnNode |
Represents a return node in the flow graph.
ReturnNodeImpl | |
RIConstants |
This class contains literal strings used throughout the Faces RI.
SAXCompiler |
Compiler implementation that uses SAX
ScalarDataModel<E> |
ScalarDataModel is a convenience implementation of
DataModel that wraps an individual Java
object. |
SchemaCompliantRemoveHandler | |
ScopeContext |
A structure that contains the name of the scope and the scope itself exposed as a
Object> . |
ScopedAttributeELResolver | |
ScriptRenderer |
Renderer handles the rendering of script references. |
ScriptResourceDelegate |
ComponentResourceDelegate for script references. |
ScriptResourceHandler |
ComponentHandler for h:outputScript references. |
ScriptStyleBaseRenderer |
Base class for shared behavior between Script and Stylesheet renderers.
SearchExpression | |
SearchExpressionContext |
A context object that is used to hold state relating to resolve a search expression.
SearchExpressionContextFactory |
Provide for separation of interface and implementation for the
SearchExpressionContext contract. |
SearchExpressionContextFactoryImpl | |
SearchExpressionContextImpl | |
SearchExpressionHandler |
The SearchExpressionHandler is responsible for resolving search
SearchExpressionHandlerImpl | |
SearchExpressionHandlerWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
SearchExpressionHandler that can be subclassed by developers wishing to
provide specialized behavior to an existing SearchExpressionHandler instance. |
SearchExpressionHint |
An enum that specifies hints that impact the behavior of a component tree search.
SearchKeywordContext |
SearchKeywordContext provides context information that may be useful to
SearchKeywordResolver.resolve(, jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent, java.lang.String) implementations. |
SearchKeywordResolver |
A SearchKeywordResolver is responsible for resolving a single keyword.
SearchKeywordResolverImplAll | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplChild | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplComposite | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplForm | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplId | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplNamingContainer | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplNext | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplNone | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplParent | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplPrevious | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplRoot | |
SearchKeywordResolverImplThis | |
SecretRenderer |
SecretRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UIInput
SelectBooleanCheckboxTag | |
SelectItem |
SelectItem represents a single item
in the list of supported items associated with a
UISelectMany or UISelectOne component. |
SelectItemGroup |
SelectItemGroup is a subclass of
SelectItem that identifies a set of options that will be
made available as a subordinate "submenu" or "options list", depending upon the requirements of the
UISelectMany or UISelectOne renderer that is actually used. |
SelectItemsIterator<T extends SelectItem> |
Package private class for iterating over the set of
SelectItem s for a parent UISelectMany or
UISelectOne . |
SelectItemsTag |
This class is the tag handler that evaluates the
selectitems custom tag. |
SelectItemTag |
This class is the tag handler that evaluates the
selectitem custom tag. |
SelectManyCheckboxListRenderer |
SelectManyCheckboxListRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UISelectMany
SelectManyCheckboxTag | |
SelectManyListboxTag | |
SelectManyMenuTag | |
SelectOneListboxTag | |
SelectOneMenuTag | |
SelectOneRadioTag | |
SerializationCopier |
Copier that copies an object by serializing and subsequently deserializing it again.
SerializationProvider |
This interface provides a mechanism to allow the use of alternate Java Serialization implementations.
SerializationProviderFactory |
A factory for creating
SerializationProvider instances. |
ServerSideStateHelper |
StateHelper provides the functionality associated with server-side state saving, though in
actuallity, it is a hybrid between client and server. |
ServletContextAdapter | |
SessionMap | |
SessionMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
Object> causes the map returned from ExternalContext.getSessionMap() to be
injected as the value of that field. |
SessionMap | |
SessionMapProducer |
The SessionProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the session map using @Inject.
SessionProducer |
The SessionProducer is the CDI producer that allows EL resolving of #{session}
SessionScoped | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
jakarta.enterprise.context.SessionScoped , which is a CDI build-in scope
with similar semantics. |
SetHandler |
Simplified implementation of c:set
SetPropertyActionListenerHandler | |
SetPropertyActionListenerImpl | |
SetPropertyActionListenerTag |
Tag implementation that creates a special
ActionListener instance and registers it on the
ActionSource associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose implementation class is a
subclass of UIComponentClassicTagBase . |
ShortConverter |
Converter implementation for java.lang.Short (and short primitive) values. |
Singletons | |
Stage | |
StateContext |
Context for dealing with partial state saving mechanics.
StateHelper |
Common code for the default
StateHelper implementations. |
StateHelper |
Define a
Map -like contract that makes it easier for components to implement PartialStateHolder . |
StateHolder |
This interface is implemented by classes that need to save their
state between requests.
StateManagementStrategy |
Encapsulate the saving and restoring of the view to enable the VDL to take
over the responsibility for handling this feature.
StateManager |
StateManager directs the process of saving and restoring the view between requests.
StateManagerImpl |
StateManager implementation to meet the requirements of the specification. |
StateManagerWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
StateManager that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing StateManager instance. |
StylesheetRenderer |
Renderer handles the rendering of stylesheet references. |
StylesheetResourceDelegate |
ComponentResourceDelegate for stylesheet references. |
StylesheetResourceHandler |
ComponentHandler for h:outputStylesheet references. |
SubviewTag | |
SwitchBuilder |
Create a switch node in the current
Flow . |
SwitchBuilderImpl | |
SwitchCase |
Represents a case within a switch node in the flow graph.
SwitchCaseBuilder |
Create a case in the current switch.
SwitchCaseBuilderImpl | |
SwitchCaseImpl | |
SwitchNode |
Represents a switch node in the flow graph.
SwitchNodeImpl | |
SystemEvent |
SystemEvent is the base class for non-application
specific events that can be fired by arbitrary objects.
SystemEventHelper |
Utility class for dealing with application events.
SystemEventInfo |
Simple wrapper class for application level SystemEvents.
SystemEventListener |
By implementing this class, an object indicates that it is a listener for one or more kinds of
SystemEvent s. |
SystemEventListenerHolder |
Classes that implement this interface agree to maintain a list of
SystemEventListener instances for each kind
of SystemEvent they can generate. |
TableRenderer |
Render a
UIData component as a two-dimensional table. |
Tag |
The runtime must create an instance of this class for each element in the Facelets XHTML view.
TagAttribute |
Representation of an XML attribute name=value pair on an XML element in a
Facelet file.
TagAttributeException |
An Exception caused by a
TagAttribute |
TagAttributeImpl |
Representation of a Tag's attribute in a Facelet File
TagAttributes |
A set of TagAttributes, usually representing all attributes on a Tag.
TagAttributesImpl |
A set of TagAttributesImpl, usually representing all attributes on a Tag.
TagConfig |
Passed to the constructor of
TagHandler subclass, it defines the document definition of the handler we are
instantiating. |
TagDecorator |
Provides the ability to completely change the Tag
before it's processed for compiling with the associated
TagHandler . |
TagException |
An Exception caused by a
Tag |
TagHandler |
Foundation class for
FaceletHandler s associated with a
markup element in a Facelet document. |
TagHandlerDelegate |
Abstract class that defines methods relating to helping tag handler
TagHandlerDelegateFactory |
Abstract factory for creating instances of
TagHandlerDelegate . |
TagHandlerDelegateFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of
TagHandlerDelegateFactory . |
TagHandlerImpl | |
TagLibrary |
A library of Tags associated with one or more namespaces.
TagLibraryImpl |
Concrete implementation for defining Facelet tag libraries in Java.
TagMethodExpression | |
TagParser |
Interface defining the Validator Tag Parser implementation methods
TagValueExpression | |
TemplateClient |
FaceletHandlers can implement this contract and push themselves into the FaceletContext for participating in
TextareaRenderer |
TextareaRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UIInput
TextHandler |
An interface that allows other code to identify FaceletHandlers that may provide text (String) content.
TextRenderer |
TextRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UIInput
ThreadContext | |
Timer |
This class is a simple wrapper for timing method calls.
TransientStateHelper |
Define a
Map -like contract that makes it easier for components to implement
TransientStateHolder . |
TransientStateHolder |
This interface is implemented by classes that need to save state that is expected to be available only within the
scope of the current request.
TypedCollections | |
UIColumn |
UIColumn is a
UIComponent that represents a single column of data within a parent
UIData component. |
UICommand |
UICommand is a
UIComponent that represents a user interface component which, when activated
by the user, triggers an application specific "command" or "action". |
UIComponent |
UIComponent is the base class for all user interface components in Jakarta Server
UIComponentBase |
UIComponentBase is a
convenience base class that implements the default concrete behavior of all methods defined by
UIComponent . |
UIComponentBodyTag | Deprecated.
All component tags now implement
BodyTag . |
UIComponentClassicTagBase |
UIComponentTagBase is the base class for all Jakarta Server Pages tags that use the
"classic" Jakarta Server Pages tag interface that correspond to a UIComponent
instance in the view. |
UIComponentELTag |
UIComponentELTag specializes its superclass to allow for properties that take their values from Jakarta
Expression Language expressions. |
UIComponentTag | Deprecated.
Use of this class has been replaced with
UIComponentELTag , which extends
UIComponentClassicTagBase to add properties that use the Jakarta Expression Language API introduced as
part of Jakarta Server Pages 2.1. |
UIComponentTagBase |
UIComponentTagBase is the base class for all Jakarta Server Pages tags that correspond
to a UIComponent instance in the view. |
UIData |
UIData is a
UIComponent that supports data binding to a collection of data objects represented by a DataModel
instance, which is the current value of this component itself (typically established via a ValueExpression ). |
UIDebug | |
UIFocus |
Component to set a focus on a given field.
UIForm |
UIForm is a
UIComponent that represents an input form to be
presented to the user, and whose child components represent (among other things) the input fields to be included when
the form is submitted. |
UIGraphic |
UIGraphic is a
UIComponent that displays a graphical image to the user. |
UIImportConstants | |
UIInput |
UIInput is a
UIComponent that represents a component that both
displays output to the user (like UIOutput components do) and processes request parameters on the subsequent
request that need to be decoded. |
UIInstructions | |
UILeaf | |
UILibrary | |
UILiteralText | |
UIMessage |
This component is responsible for displaying messages for a specific
UIComponent , identified by a clientId or component id
relative to the closest ancestor NamingContainer . |
UIMessages |
The renderer for this component is responsible for obtaining the messages from the
FacesContext and
displaying them to the user. |
UINamingContainer |
UINamingContainer is a convenience base class for components that wish
to implement
NamingContainer functionality. |
UIOutcomeTarget |
This component is paired with the
jakarta.faces.Button or
jakarta.faces.Link renderers and encapsulates properties relating to the rendering of outcomes directly
to the response. |
UIOutput |
UIOutput is a
UIComponent that has a
value, optionally retrieved from a model tier bean via a value expression, that is displayed to the user. |
UIPanel |
UIPanel is a
UIComponent that manages the layout of its child components. |
UIParameter |
UIParameter is a
UIComponent that represents an optionally named configuration parameter for
a parent component. |
UIRepeat | |
UISelectBoolean | |
UISelectItem |
UISelectItem is a component that may be
nested inside a
UISelectMany or UISelectOne component, and causes the addition of a
SelectItem instance to the list of available options for the parent component. |
UISelectItems |
UISelectItems is a component that may be nested inside a
UISelectMany or UISelectOne
component, and causes the addition of one or more SelectItem instances to the list of available options in
the parent component. |
UISelectMany |
UISelectMany is a
UIComponent that
represents the user's choice of a zero or more items from among a discrete set of available options. |
UISelectOne |
UISelectOne is a
UIComponent that represents the user's choice
of zero or one items from among a discrete set of available options. |
UIText | |
UIValidateWholeBean | |
UIViewAction |
UIViewAction represents a method invocation that occurs during the
request processing lifecycle, usually in response to an initial request, as opposed to a postback.
UIViewParameter |
UIViewParameter represents a binding between a
request parameter and a model property or
UIViewRoot property. |
UIViewParameter.Reference |
Inner class to encapsulate a
UIViewParameter instance so that it may be safely referenced regardless of
whether or not the current view is the same as the view in which this UIViewParameter resides. |
UIViewRoot |
UIViewRoot is the UIComponent that represents the root of
the UIComponent tree.
UIWebsocket |
<f:websocket> tag opens an one-way (server to client) websocket based push connection in
client side which can be reached from server side via PushContext interface injected in any CDI/container
managed artifact via @ Push annotation. |
UniqueIdVendor |
UniqueIdVendor is an interface implemented by
UIComponents that also implement
NamingContainer so that they can provide unique ids based on their own clientId. |
UntargetableComponent |
Components implementing this interface are ignored by the algorithm - especially in
the implementation of
@child(n) , @next and @previous . |
UpdateModelException |
This exception indicates a failure to update the model and is created to wrap any exception that occurs during
UIInput.updateModel(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext) . |
UpdateModelValuesPhase |
UpdateModelValuesPhase executes
processUpdates on each component in the tree so that it may have a
chance to update its model value. |
Util |
Util is a class ...
Util.JavaeeNamespaceContext | |
ValidateComponentNesting |
ValidateFormComponentNesting performs component tree validation to assure
ActionSource ,
ActionSource2 and EditableValueHolder components are placed inside a form. |
ValidateDelegateHandler |
Register a named Validator instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
ValidateDoubleRangeTag |
ValidateDoubleRangeTag is the tag handler class for
validate_doublerange tag. |
ValidateLengthTag |
ValidateLengthTag is the tag handler class for
validate_length tag |
ValidateLongRangeTag |
ValidateLongRangeTag is the tag handler class for
validate_longrange tag. |
Validator<T> |
A Validator implementation is a class that can perform validation
(correctness checks) on a
EditableValueHolder . |
ValidatorConfig |
Used in creating
ValidatorHandler and all implementations. |
ValidatorConfigHandler |
ConfigAnnotationHandler for FacesValidator annotated classes. |
ValidatorConfigProcessor |
ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/valiator . |
ValidatorELTag |
ValidatorELTag is a base class for all Jakarta Server Pages custom actions that create and register
Validator instance on the EditableValueHolder associated with our most immediate surrounding
instance of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of UIComponentTag . |
ValidatorException |
A ValidatorException is an exception thrown by the
validate() method of a Validator to indicate that validation failed. |
ValidatorHandler |
Handles setting a
Validator instance on an
EditableValueHolder parent. |
ValidatorInfo | |
ValidatorTag |
Basic implementation of
ValidatorELTag . |
ValidatorTag | Deprecated.
This has been partially replaced by
ValidatorELTag . |
ValidatorTag.BindingValidator | |
ValidatorTagHandlerDelegateImpl | |
ValueBinding | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
ValueExpression . |
ValueBindingValueExpressionAdapter |
Wrap a ValueExpression instance and expose it as a ValueBinding
ValueChangeEvent |
ValueChangeEvent is a notification that the local value of the source component has been change as a result
of user interface activity. |
ValueChangeListener |
A listener interface for receiving
ValueChangeEvent s. |
ValueChangeListenerHandler |
Register an ValueChangeListener instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom
ValueChangeListenerTag |
Tag implementation that creates a
ValueChangeListener instance and registers it on the UIComponent
associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of
UIComponentClassicTagBase . |
ValueExpressionValueBindingAdapter |
Wrap a ValueBinding instance and expose it as a ValueExpression.
ValueHolder |
ValueHolder is an interface that may be implemented by any concrete
UIComponent that wishes to support a local value, as well as access data in the model tier via a value
expression, and support conversion between String and the model tier data's native data type. |
ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler |
A VDL handler that exposes
Converter to a page author. |
ValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget |
A marker interface for VDL tags that represent
<composite:valueHolder/> for use by the
composite component page author. |
ValueHolderAttachedObjectTargetHandler | |
ValueHolderAttachedObjectTargetImpl | |
VariableMapperWrapper |
Utility class for wrapping another VariableMapper with a new context, represented by a
Map . |
VariableResolver | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
ELResolver when operating with a null
base argument. |
VariableResolverChainWrapper | |
VariableResolverImpl |
Concrete implementation of
VariableResolver . |
VerbatimHandler |
Handler for f:verbatim
VerbatimTag |
Tag implementation that creates a
UIOutput instance and allows the user to write raw markup. |
Verifier |
This class backs the
com.sun.faces.verifyObjects feature which provides basic validation of Components,
Converters, and Validators. |
Verifier.ObjectType |
Represent the current Faces object types we validate.
Version | |
VersionInfo |
Metadata pertaining to versions.
ViewBuilder |
Create a view node in the current
Flow . |
ViewBuilderImpl | |
ViewDeclarationLanguage |
The contract that a view
declaration language must implement to interact with the Jakarta Server Faces runtime.
ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory |
ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory is a factory object
that creates (if needed) and returns a new
ViewDeclarationLanguage instance based on the VDL found in a
specific view. |
ViewDeclarationLanguageFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of
ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory . |
ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
ViewDeclarationLanguage that
can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing
ViewDeclarationLanguage instance. |
ViewExpiredException |
Implementations must throw this
FacesException when attempting to restore the view
StateManager.restoreView(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, String, String) results in failure on postback. |
ViewHandler |
Container for all JavaServer Faces core and custom component actions used on a page.
ViewHandler |
ViewHandler is the pluggablity mechanism for allowing implementations of or applications using the
JJakarta Server Faces specification to provide their own handling of the activities in the Render Response
and Restore View phases of the request processing lifecycle.
ViewHandlerImpl | Deprecated.
Refer to
MultiViewHandler |
ViewHandlerResponseWrapper |
This class is used by
ViewHandler.createView(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String) to obtain the text that exists after
the <f:view> tag. |
ViewHandlerWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
ViewHandler that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing ViewHandler instance. |
ViewHandlingStrategy |
This represents how a particular page description language is to be rendered/restored.
ViewHandlingStrategyManager |
Interface for working with multiple
ViewHandlingStrategy implementations. |
ViewHandlingStrategyNotFoundException |
Indicates that no
ViewHandlingStrategy instances were found appropriate to a
particulare view ID. |
ViewMap |
The presence of this annotation (along with
@Inject ) on a field of type Map<String,
Object> causes the map returned from UIViewRoot.getViewMap() to be injected
as the value of that field. |
ViewMapListener |
Marker interface for
SystemEvent s that indicate the view map has been created
(PostConstructViewMapEvent , or destroyed (PreDestroyViewMapEvent ). |
ViewMapProducer |
The ViewMapProducer is the CDI producer that allows injection of the view map using @Inject and allows EL resolving
of #{viewScope}
ViewMemberInstanceFactoryMetadataMap<K,V> |
Used to hold metadata for classes that are members of views.
ViewMetadata |
ViewMetadata is reponsible for extracting and providing view parameter metadata from VDL views. |
ViewMetadataImpl | |
ViewNode |
ViewNode is the class that represents a VDL view in a faces flow graph.
ViewNodeImpl | |
ViewProducer |
The ViewProducer is the CDI producer that allows you to inject the UIViewRoot and to do EL resolving of #{view}
ViewResource |
Superclass of
Resource that is only for use with views. |
ViewScopeContext |
The CDI context for CDI ViewScoped beans.
ViewScopeContextManager |
The manager that deals with CDI ViewScoped beans.
ViewScoped | Deprecated.
This has been replaced by
jakarta.faces.view.ViewScoped . |
ViewScoped |
When this annotation, along with
jakarta.inject.Named is found on a class, the runtime must place the bean in a CDI scope such that it remains active
as long as NavigationHandler.handleNavigation(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) does not cause a navigation to a view
with a viewId that is different than the viewId of the current view. |
ViewScopedCDIEventFireHelper | |
ViewScopedCDIEventFireHelperImpl | |
ViewScopeEventListener |
The ViewScope event listener.
ViewScopeExtension |
The CDI extension that makes ViewScoped beans work in a CDI context.
ViewScopeManager |
The manager that deals with non-CDI and CDI ViewScoped beans.
ViewTag |
All Faces component tags must be nested within a f:view tag.
ViewVisitOption |
Defines the view traversal options.
VisitCallback |
A simple callback interface that enables taking action on a specific UIComponent (either facet or child) during a
component tree visit.
VisitContext |
A context object that is used to hold state relating to performing a component tree visit.
VisitContextFactory |
Provide for separation of interface and implementation for the
VisitContext contract. |
VisitContextFactoryImpl |
Default implementation of
VisitContextFactory . |
VisitContextWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of
VisitContext that can be
subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing VisitContext instance. |
VisitHint |
An enum that specifies hints that impact the behavior of a component tree
VisitResult |
An enum that specifies the possible results of a call to
VisitCallback.visit(jakarta.faces.component.visit.VisitContext, jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent) . |
WebAppFlowConfigResourceProvider | |
WebappLifecycleListener |
Central location for web application lifecycle events.
WebappResourceHelper |
ResourceHelper implementation for finding/serving resources found within
<contextroot>/resources directory of a web application. |
WebConfiguration |
Class Documentation
WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter |
enum of all boolean context initalization parameters recognized by the implementation. |
WebConfiguration.DisableUnicodeEscaping |
enum of all possible values for the disableUnicodeEscaping configuration parameter. |
WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter |
enum of all non-boolean context initalization parameters recognized by the implementation. |
WebConfiguration.WebEnvironmentEntry |
enum of all environment entries (specified in the web.xml) recognized by the implemenetation. |
WebContainerInjectionProvider |
InjectionProvider will be used if the PostConstruct and PreDestroy
annotations are present, but no specific InjectionProvider has been configured. |
WebFaceletTaglibResourceProvider | |
WebFacesConfigResourceProvider | |
WebPrintWriter |
A simple PrintWriter implementation to allow us to query whether or not the writer has been flushed or closed.
WebsocketChannelManager |
This web socket channel manager holds all application and session scoped web socket channel identifiers registered by
<f:websocket> . |
WebsocketChannelManager.ViewScope |
This helps the web socket channel manager to hold view scoped web socket channel identifiers registered by
<f:websocket> . |
WebsocketEndpoint |
This web socket server endpoint handles web socket requests coming from
<f:websocket> . |
WebsocketEvent |
This web socket event will be fired when a new
<f:websocket> has been
@ WebsocketEvent.Opened or @ WebsocketEvent.Closed . |
WebsocketEvent.Closed |
Indicates that a
<f:websocket> has closed. |
WebsocketEvent.Opened |
Indicates that a
<f:websocket> has opened. |
WebsocketFacesListener |
This Faces listener for
UIViewRoot ensures that the necessary JavaScript code to open or close the
WebSocket is properly rendered depending on rendered and connected attributes. |
WebsocketPushContext | |
WebsocketPushContextProducer | |
WebsocketRenderer |
WebsocketRenderer is a class that renders the
jsf.push.init() script and decodes any client
behaviors triggered by UIWebsocket . |
WebsocketSessionManager |
This web socket session manager holds all web socket sessions by their channel identifier.
WebsocketUserManager |
This web socket user manager holds all web socket users registered by
<f:websocket> . |
XMLFrontMatterSaver | |
XMLInstruction |