Jakarta MVC defines a standard for creating web applications following the action-based model-view-controller pattern.
Release supporing Jakarta EE 11
Release supporing Jakarta EE 10
Release of Jakarta MVC under the jakarta.* namespace
First Jakarta EE release for Jakarta MVC
Model-View-Controller, or MVC for short, is a common pattern in Web frameworks where it is used predominantly to build HTML applications. The model refers to the application’s data, the view to the application’s data presentation and the controller to the part of the system responsible for managing input, updating models and producing output.
Web UI frameworks can be categorized as action-based or component-based. In an action-based framework, HTTP requests are routed to controllers where they are turned into actions by application code; in a component-based framework, HTTP requests are grouped and typically handled by framework components with little or no interaction from application code. In other words, in a component-based framework, the majority of the controller logic is provided by the framework instead of the application.