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AfterControllerEvent - Interface in jakarta.mvc.event
Event fired after a controller method returns.
AfterProcessViewEvent - Interface in jakarta.mvc.event
Event fired after the view engine method ViewEngine.processView(jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext) returns.
asMap() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.Models
Returns a unmodifiable view of the models map.


BeforeControllerEvent - Interface in jakarta.mvc.event
Event fired before a controller is called but after it has been matched.
BeforeProcessViewEvent - Interface in jakarta.mvc.event
Event fired after a view engine has been selected but before its ViewEngine.processView(jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext) method is called.
BindingError - Interface in jakarta.mvc.binding
Represents a single error that occurred while binding a parameter to a controller method argument or controller field using a binding annotation like FormParam.
BindingResult - Interface in jakarta.mvc.binding
Describes the binding result of all controller fields and controller method parameters which are annotated with a binding annotation like FormParam.


Controller - Annotation Type in jakarta.mvc
Declares a method as a controller.
ControllerRedirectEvent - Interface in jakarta.mvc.event
Event fired when a controller triggers a redirect.
Csrf - Interface in jakarta.mvc.security
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) interface with access to the CSRF header name and the CSRF token value.
CSRF_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf
Property that can be used to configure the name of the HTTP header used for the CSRF token.
CSRF_PROTECTION - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf
Property that can be used to globally enable CSRF protection for an application.
Csrf.CsrfOptions - Enum in jakarta.mvc.security
Options for property Csrf.CSRF_PROTECTION.
CsrfProtected - Annotation Type in jakarta.mvc.security
A controller annotation to validate a CSRF token value received in a request whenever the property Csrf.CSRF_PROTECTION is set to Csrf.CsrfOptions.EXPLICIT.
CsrfValidationException - Exception in jakarta.mvc.security
This exception is thrown by the MVC implementation if the CSRF token validation fails.
CsrfValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception jakarta.mvc.security.CsrfValidationException
Create a new CsrfValidationException


DEFAULT_CSRF_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf
The default value for Csrf.CSRF_HEADER_NAME.
DEFAULT_HIDDEN_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter
The default name of the hidden form field used to overwrite the HTTP method.
DEFAULT_VIEW_FOLDER - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Default value for property ViewEngine.VIEW_FOLDER.
DISABLED - jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter.Options
Form method overwrite is not enabled.


ENABLED - jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter.Options
Form method overwrite is enabled.
Encoders - Interface in jakarta.mvc.security
Interface that provides encoders to escape code in JavaScript, HTML, etc.
EXPLICIT - jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf.CsrfOptions
Enabling CSRF requires use of CsrfProtected explicitly (default).


FORM_METHOD_OVERWRITE - Static variable in class jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter
Property that can be used to enable the Form method overwrite mechanism for an application.
FormMethodOverwriter - Class in jakarta.mvc.form
Form method overwriter is used to overwrite a HTML form's HTTP method to be able to use other verbs such as PATCH or DELETE.
FormMethodOverwriter() - Constructor for class jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter
FormMethodOverwriter.Options - Enum in jakarta.mvc.form


get(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.Models
Retrieve a model by name.
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.Models
Retrieve a model by name in a type-safe way.
getAcceptableLanguages() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolverContext
Get a list of languages that are acceptable for the response according to the Accept-Language HTTP header sent by the client.
getAllErrors() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.BindingResult
Returns an immutable set of all binding and validation errors.
getAllMessages() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.BindingResult
Returns an immutable list of all messages representing both binding and validation errors.
getBasePath() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Get the application's base path which is defined as the concatenation of context and application paths.
getConfig() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Get the Jakarta RESTful Web Services application configuration object.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the application's configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolverContext
Returns the application's configuration.
getCookie(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolverContext
Returns the cookie with the given name.
getCsrf() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Get the CSRF object.
getEncoders() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Get the built-in encoders.
getEngine() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.AfterProcessViewEvent
Returns the ViewEngine selected by the implementation.
getEngine() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.BeforeProcessViewEvent
Returns the ViewEngine selected by the implementation.
getErrors(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.BindingResult
Returns an immutable set of all binding and validation errors for a specific parameter.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolverContext
Get the request header as a single string value.
getLocale() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the request locale resolved for the current request.
getLocale() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Returns the locale of the current request.
getLocation() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.ControllerRedirectEvent
The target of the redirection.
getMediaType() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
The media type to use for the response.
getMessage() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.ParamError
Returns a human-readable error message for this error.
getModels() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the models instance needed to process the view.
getName() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf
Returns the name of the CSRF form field or HTTP request header.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
The output stream which should be used to write the result of processing a view.
getParamName() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.ParamError
The parameter name of the value that caused the error.
getRequest() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolverContext
Get the Jakarta RESTful Web Services Request instance.
getRequest(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the HTTP request object from the container.
getResourceInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the ResourceInfo instance containing information about the controller method matched in the current request.
getResourceInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.AfterControllerEvent
Access to the current request controller information.
getResourceInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.BeforeControllerEvent
Access to the current request controller information.
getResourceInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.ControllerRedirectEvent
Access to the current request controller information.
getResponse(Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the HTTP response object from the container.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Get the mutable response headers multivalued map.
getSubmittedValue() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.BindingError
Provides access to the raw submitted value of the parameter which caused the binding to fail.
getToken() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf
Returns the value of the CSRF token.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the UriInfo instance containing information about the current request URI.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.AfterControllerEvent
Access to the current request URI information.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.BeforeControllerEvent
Access to the current request URI information.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.ControllerRedirectEvent
Access to the current request URI information.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolverContext
Get request URI information.
getView() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineContext
Returns the view.
getView() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.AfterProcessViewEvent
Returns the view being processed.
getView() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.event.BeforeProcessViewEvent
Returns the view being processed.
getViolation() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.ValidationError
The underlying ConstraintViolation detected for the parameter.


HIDDEN_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter
Property that can be used to configure the name of the hidden form input to get the targeted HTTP method.
html(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Encoders
Encoding for HTML code in attributes or content.


IMPLICIT - jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf.CsrfOptions
CSRF enabled automatically for all controllers.
isFailed() - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.binding.BindingResult
Returns true if there is at least one parameter error.


jakarta.mvc - module jakarta.mvc
Copyright (c) 2022 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
jakarta.mvc - package jakarta.mvc
The root Jakarta MVC API package.
jakarta.mvc.binding - package jakarta.mvc.binding
Types related to the handling of data binding and validation.
jakarta.mvc.engine - package jakarta.mvc.engine
The view engine SPI.
jakarta.mvc.event - package jakarta.mvc.event
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection events fired by implementations and observable by applications.
jakarta.mvc.form - package jakarta.mvc.form
This package contains types related to HTML forms.
jakarta.mvc.locale - package jakarta.mvc.locale
This package contains types related to the request locale.
jakarta.mvc.security - package jakarta.mvc.security
Types related to Jakarta MVC security features.
js(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.security.Encoders
Encoding for JavaScript code in attributes or script blocks.


LocaleResolver - Interface in jakarta.mvc.locale
Locale resolvers are used to determine the locale of the current request and are discovered using Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection.
LocaleResolverContext - Interface in jakarta.mvc.locale
Contextual data used by a LocaleResolver to resolve the request locale.


Models - Interface in jakarta.mvc
A map of name to model instances used by a ViewEngine to process a view.
MvcBinding - Annotation Type in jakarta.mvc.binding
This annotation is used to enable Jakarta MVC-specific binding rules for a Jakarta RESTful Web Services parameter binding.
MvcContext - Interface in jakarta.mvc
This class provides contextual information such as context and application paths as well as access to the Jakarta RESTful Web Services application configuration object.
MvcEvent - Interface in jakarta.mvc.event
Base type for all Jakarta MVC events.


OFF - jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf.CsrfOptions
CSRF protection not enabled.


ParamError - Interface in jakarta.mvc.binding
Base interface for errors related to parameter data binding
PRIORITY_APPLICATION - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Recommended priority for all application-provided view engines (default).
PRIORITY_BUILTIN - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Priority for all built-in view engines.
PRIORITY_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Recommended priority for all view engines provided by frameworks built on top of MVC implementations.
processView(ViewEngineContext) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Process a view given a ViewEngineContext.
put(String, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.Models
Stores a new model in the map.


RedirectScoped - Annotation Type in jakarta.mvc
An annotation that defines a new Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection-based scope supported by the Jakarta MVC API.
resolveLocale(LocaleResolverContext) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.locale.LocaleResolver
Resolve the locale of the current request given a LocaleResolverContext.


supports(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Returns true if this engine can process the view or false otherwise.


uri(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Creates an URI to be matched by a controller method.
uri(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Creates an URI to be matched by a controller method.
uriBuilder(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mvc.MvcContext
Returns a UriBuilder for building URIs to be matched by a controller method.
UriRef - Annotation Type in jakarta.mvc
Defines a symbolic name for a controller method to be referenced by one of the MvcContext.uri(java.lang.String) methods.


ValidationError - Interface in jakarta.mvc.binding
Represents a single validation error detected for a parameter.
value() - Method in annotation type jakarta.mvc.UriRef
The symbolic name
value() - Method in annotation type jakarta.mvc.View
The name of the view
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter.Options
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf.CsrfOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum jakarta.mvc.form.FormMethodOverwriter.Options
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jakarta.mvc.security.Csrf.CsrfOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
View - Annotation Type in jakarta.mvc
Declares a view for a controller that returns void, or for a controller that may return null and wants to declare a default value.
VIEW_FOLDER - Static variable in interface jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine
Name of property that can be set to override the root location for views in an archive.
ViewEngine - Interface in jakarta.mvc.engine
View engines are responsible for processing views and are discovered using Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection.
ViewEngineContext - Interface in jakarta.mvc.engine
Contextual data used by a ViewEngine to process a view.
ViewEngineException - Exception in jakarta.mvc.engine
Exception thrown by ViewEngine.processView(ViewEngineContext) when unable to process a view.
ViewEngineException(String) - Constructor for exception jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineException
Construct an instance using a message.
ViewEngineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineException
Construct an instance using a message and a cause.
ViewEngineException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngineException
Construct an instance using a cause.
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