Package jakarta.jms

Class JMSException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
IllegalStateException, InvalidClientIDException, InvalidDestinationException, InvalidSelectorException, JMSSecurityException, MessageEOFException, MessageFormatException, MessageNotReadableException, MessageNotWriteableException, ResourceAllocationException, TransactionInProgressException, TransactionRolledBackException

public class JMSException extends Exception

This is the root class of all checked exceptions in the Jakarta Messaging API.

It provides the following information:

  • A provider-specific string describing the error. This string is the standard exception message and is available via the getMessage method.
  • A provider-specific string error code
  • A reference to another exception. Often a Jakarta Messaging API exception will be the result of a lower-level problem. If appropriate, this lower-level exception can be linked to the Jakarta Messaging API exception.
JMS 1.0
Jakarta Messaging 2.0
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JMSException

      public JMSException(String reason, String errorCode, Exception linkedException)
      Constructs a JMSException with the specified reason, error code and linked exception.
      reason - a description of the exception
      errorCode - a string specifying the vendor-specific error code
      linkedException - the linked Exception
    • JMSException

      public JMSException(String reason, String errorCode)
      Constructs a JMSException with the specified reason and error code.
      reason - a description of the exception
      errorCode - a string specifying the vendor-specific error code
    • JMSException

      public JMSException(String reason)
      Constructs a JMSException with the specified reason and with the error code defaulting to null.
      reason - a description of the exception
  • Method Details

    • getErrorCode

      public String getErrorCode()
      Gets the vendor-specific error code.
      a string specifying the vendor-specific error code
    • getLinkedException

      public Exception getLinkedException()
      Gets the exception linked to this one.
      the linked Exception, null if none
    • setLinkedException

      public void setLinkedException(Exception ex)
      Adds a linked Exception.
      ex - the linked Exception