Annotation Interface JsonbNillable

Specifies how fields having null values are serialized into JSON.

There are two possible values which can be specified. In case of true, fields are serialized as key/value pair with value null. In case of false, fields will not be serialized (default behaviour).

Annotation can be specified on field, method, type or on package and affects all underlying properties and classes.

For similar functionality on a property level see JsonbProperty. However this JsonbProperty functionality has been deprecated and should not be used

JSON Binding 1.0
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Switches on/off serialization of properties with null value.
  • Element Details

    • value

      boolean value
      Switches on/off serialization of properties with null value.
      True if field with null value should be serialized as key/value pair into JSON with null value.