Jakarta Persistence Criteria API
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over
the subquery results.
Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over
the subquery results.
Specify a restriction over the groups of the subquery.
Specify restrictions over the groups of the subquery
according the conjunction of the specified restriction
Specify restrictions over the groups of the query
according the conjunction of the specified restriction
Specify the item that is to be returned as the subquery
Create a subquery of the query.
Create a subquery of the query.
Modify the subquery to restrict the result according
to the specified boolean expression.
Modify the subquery to restrict the result according
to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
Modify the query to restrict the query result according
to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
Create an all expression over the subquery results.
Create an any expression over the subquery results.
Create a predicate testing the existence of a subquery result.
Create a some expression over the subquery results.