Annotation Interface Activation

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface Activation
Designates a JavaBean as an ActivationSpec. This annotation may be placed on a JavaBean. A JavaBean annotated with the Activation annotation is not required to implement the ActivationSpec interface.

The ActivationSpec JavaBean contains the configuration information pertaining to inbound connectivity from an EIS instance. A resource adapter capable of message delivery to message endpoints must provide an JavaBean class implementing the ActivationSpec interface or annotate a JavaBean with the Activation annotation for each supported endpoint message listener type.

The ActivationSpec JavaBean has a set of configurable properties specific to the messaging style and the message provider.

Together with the messageListener annotation element, this annotation specifies information about a specific message listener type supported by the messaging resource adapter.

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Indicates the message listener type(s) associated with this activation.
  • Element Details

    • messageListeners

      Class[] messageListeners
      Indicates the message listener type(s) associated with this activation.
      The Java types of the Message Listener interface this activation-spec is associated with.