Annotation Interface ConnectionDefinition

Defines a set of connection interfaces and classes pertaining to a particular connection type. This annotation can be placed only on a JavaBean that implements the ManagedConnectionFactory interface.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Specifies the Connection interface supported by the resource adapter.
    Specifies the ConnectionFactory interface supported by the resource adapter.
    Specifies the Class provided by the resource adapter that implements the resource adapter specific ConnectionFactory interface.
    Specifies the class provided by the resource adapter that implements the resource adapter specific Connection interface.
  • Element Details

    • connectionFactory

      Class connectionFactory
      Specifies the ConnectionFactory interface supported by the resource adapter. Example: jakarta.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory or com.wombat.ConnectionFactory
      the ConnectionFactory interface
    • connectionFactoryImpl

      Class connectionFactoryImpl
      Specifies the Class provided by the resource adapter that implements the resource adapter specific ConnectionFactory interface. Example: com.wombat.ConnectionFactoryImpl
      the implementation class of the ConnectionFactory interface
    • connection

      Class connection
      Specifies the Connection interface supported by the resource adapter. Example: jakarta.resource.cci.Connection or com.wombat.Connection
      the Connection interface
    • connectionImpl

      Class connectionImpl
      Specifies the class provided by the resource adapter that implements the resource adapter specific Connection interface. Example: com.wombat.ConnectionImpl
      the implementation class of the Connection interface