Uses of Package

Packages that use
The jakarta.resource.spi package contains APIs for the system contracts defined in the Jakarta Connectors specification.
This package contains APIs for the Work Management, Generic and Security Work Context contracts.
  • Class
    This class serves as a standard mechanism for a resource adapter to propagate an imported context from an enterprise information system to an application server.
    This interface models a WorkManager which provides a facility to submit Work instances for execution.
  • Class
    This class models an execution context (transaction, security, etc) with which the Work instance must be executed.
    This models a Work instance that would be executed by a WorkManager upon submission.
    This class serves as a standard mechanism for a resource adapter to propagate an imported context from an enterprise information system to an application server.
    This class models the various events that occur during the processing of a Work instance.
    A common base class for all Work processing related exceptions.
    This models a WorkListener instance which would be notified by the WorkManager when the various Work processing events (work accepted, work rejected, work started, work completed) occur.
    This interface models a WorkManager which provides a facility to submit Work instances for execution.
    This exception is thrown by a WorkManager to indicate that a submitted Work instance has been rejected.