Interface FilterRegistration

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public interface FilterRegistration extends Registration
Interface through which a Filter may be further configured.
Servlet 3.0
  • Method Details

    • addMappingForServletNames

      void addMappingForServletNames(EnumSet<DispatcherType> dispatcherTypes, boolean isMatchAfter, String... servletNames)
      Adds a filter mapping with the given servlet names and dispatcher types for the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration.

      Filter mappings are matched in the order in which they were added.

      Depending on the value of the isMatchAfter parameter, the given filter mapping will be considered after or before any declared filter mappings of the ServletContext from which this FilterRegistration was obtained.

      If this method is called multiple times, each successive call adds to the effects of the former.

      dispatcherTypes - the dispatcher types of the filter mapping, or null if the default DispatcherType.REQUEST is to be used
      isMatchAfter - true if the given filter mapping should be matched after any declared filter mappings, and false if it is supposed to be matched before any declared filter mappings of the ServletContext from which this FilterRegistration was obtained
      servletNames - the servlet names of the filter mapping
      IllegalArgumentException - if servletNames is null or empty
      IllegalStateException - if the ServletContext from which this FilterRegistration was obtained has already been initialized
    • getServletNameMappings

      Collection<String> getServletNameMappings()
      Gets the currently available servlet name mappings of the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration.

      If permitted, any changes to the returned Collection must not affect this FilterRegistration.

      a (possibly empty) Collection of the currently available servlet name mappings of the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration
    • addMappingForUrlPatterns

      void addMappingForUrlPatterns(EnumSet<DispatcherType> dispatcherTypes, boolean isMatchAfter, String... urlPatterns)
      Adds a filter mapping with the given url patterns and dispatcher types for the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration.

      Filter mappings are matched in the order in which they were added.

      Depending on the value of the isMatchAfter parameter, the given filter mapping will be considered after or before any declared filter mappings of the ServletContext from which this FilterRegistration was obtained.

      If this method is called multiple times, each successive call adds to the effects of the former.

      dispatcherTypes - the dispatcher types of the filter mapping, or null if the default DispatcherType.REQUEST is to be used
      isMatchAfter - true if the given filter mapping should be matched after any declared filter mappings, and false if it is supposed to be matched before any declared filter mappings of the ServletContext from which this FilterRegistration was obtained
      urlPatterns - the url patterns of the filter mapping
      IllegalArgumentException - if urlPatterns is null or empty
      IllegalStateException - if the ServletContext from which this FilterRegistration was obtained has already been initialized
    • getUrlPatternMappings

      Collection<String> getUrlPatternMappings()
      Gets the currently available URL pattern mappings of the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration.

      If permitted, any changes to the returned Collection must not affect this FilterRegistration.

      a (possibly empty) Collection of the currently available URL pattern mappings of the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration