Class LocaleSupport


public class LocaleSupport extends Object
Class which exposes the locale-determination logic for resource bundles through convenience methods.

This class may be useful to any tag handler implementation that needs to produce localized messages. For example, this might be useful for exception messages that are intended directly for user consumption on an error page.

Jan Luehe
  • Constructor Details

    • LocaleSupport

      public LocaleSupport()
  • Method Details

    • getLocalizedMessage

      public static String getLocalizedMessage(PageContext pageContext, String key)
      Retrieves the localized message corresponding to the given key.

      The given key is looked up in the resource bundle of the default I18N localization context, which is retrieved from the jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.localizationContext configuration setting.

      If the configuration setting is empty, or the default I18N localization context does not contain any resource bundle, or the given key is undefined in its resource bundle, the string "???<key>???" is returned, where "<key>" is replaced with the given key.

      pageContext - the page in which to get the localized message corresponding to the given key
      key - the message key
      the localized message corresponding to the given key
    • getLocalizedMessage

      public static String getLocalizedMessage(PageContext pageContext, String key, String basename)
      Retrieves the localized message corresponding to the given key.

      The given key is looked up in the resource bundle with the given base name.

      If no resource bundle with the given base name exists, or the given key is undefined in the resource bundle, the string "???<key>???" is returned, where "<key>" is replaced with the given key.

      pageContext - the page in which to get the localized message corresponding to the given key
      key - the message key
      basename - the resource bundle base name
      the localized message corresponding to the given key
    • getLocalizedMessage

      public static String getLocalizedMessage(PageContext pageContext, String key, Object[] args)
      Retrieves the localized message corresponding to the given key, and performs parametric replacement using the arguments specified via args.

      See the specification of the <fmt:message> action for a description of how parametric replacement is implemented.

      The localized message is retrieved as in getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, key).

      pageContext - the page in which to get the localized message corresponding to the given key
      key - the message key
      args - the arguments for parametric replacement
      the localized message corresponding to the given key
    • getLocalizedMessage

      public static String getLocalizedMessage(PageContext pageContext, String key, Object[] args, String basename)
      Retrieves the localized message corresponding to the given key, and performs parametric replacement using the arguments specified via args.

      See the specification of the <fmt:message> action for a description of how parametric replacement is implemented.

      The localized message is retrieved as in getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, key, basename).

      pageContext - the page in which to get the localized message corresponding to the given key
      key - the message key
      args - the arguments for parametric replacement
      basename - the resource bundle base name
      the localized message corresponding to the given key