
Annotation Type ConstrainedTo

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface ConstrainedTo
    Indicates the run-time context in which an annotated JAX-RS provider is applicable. If a @ConstrainedTo annotation is not present on a JAX-RS provider type declaration, the declared provider may be used in any run-time context. If such a annotation is present, the JAX-RS runtime will enforce the specified usage restriction.

    The following example illustrates restricting a MessageBodyReader provider implementation to run only as part of a JAX-RS client run-time:

      public class MyReader implements MessageBodyReader {

    The following example illustrates restricting a WriterInterceptor provider implementation to run only as part of a JAX-RS server run-time:

      public class MyWriterInterceptor implements WriterInterceptor {

    It is a configuration error to constraint a JAX-RS provider implementation to a run-time context in which the provider cannot be applied. In such case a JAX-RS runtime SHOULD inform a user about the issue and ignore the provider implementation in further processing.

    For example, the following restriction of a ClientRequestFilter to run only as part of a JAX-RS server run-time would be considered invalid:

      // reported as invalid and ignored by JAX-RS runtime
      public class MyFilter implements ClientRequestFilter {
    Marek Potociar
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      RuntimeType value
      Define the constraint type to be placed on a JAX-RS provider.
    • Element Detail