Class MultipartConfigElement


public class MultipartConfigElement extends Object
Java Class representation of an MultipartConfig annotation value.
Servlet 3.0
  • Constructor Details

    • MultipartConfigElement

      public MultipartConfigElement(String location)
      Constructs an instance with defaults for all but location.
      location - defaults to "" if values is null.
    • MultipartConfigElement

      public MultipartConfigElement(String location, long maxFileSize, long maxRequestSize, int fileSizeThreshold)
      Constructs an instance with all values specified.
      location - the directory location where files will be stored
      maxFileSize - the maximum size allowed (in bytes) for uploaded files
      maxRequestSize - the maximum size allowed (in bytes) for multipart/form-data requests
      fileSizeThreshold - the size threshold (in bytes) after which files will be written to disk
    • MultipartConfigElement

      public MultipartConfigElement(MultipartConfig annotation)
      Constructs an instance from a MultipartConfig annotation value.
      annotation - the annotation value
  • Method Details

    • getLocation

      public String getLocation()
      Gets the directory location where files will be stored.
      the directory location where files will be stored
    • getMaxFileSize

      public long getMaxFileSize()
      Gets the maximum size allowed (in bytes) for uploaded files.
      the maximum size allowed (in bytes) for uploaded files
    • getMaxRequestSize

      public long getMaxRequestSize()
      Gets the maximum size allowed (in bytes) for multipart/form-data requests.
      the maximum size allowed (in bytes) for multipart/form-data requests
    • getFileSizeThreshold

      public int getFileSizeThreshold()
      Gets the size threshold (in bytes) after which files will be written to disk. A value of zero means files must always be written to disk.
      the size threshold (in bytes) after which files will be written to disk