Interface InterceptorInfo

All Superinterfaces:

public interface InterceptorInfo extends BeanInfo
Interceptors are managed beans annotated @Interceptor. An interceptor declares a set of interceptor binding annotations, used to associate the interceptor with target beans. It also declares at most one interceptor method for each interception type. Interception types are:
  • @AroundInvoke: intercept business method invocations,
  • @AroundConstruct: intercept constructor invocations,
  • @PostConstruct: called after the container creates the target instance and completes dependency injection,
  • @PreDestroy: called before the container destroys the target instance.
Finally, an interceptor also needs to declare a @Priority to become enabled.

Note that this description applies to CDI Lite. There are more ways to declare an interceptor, but those are only present in CDI Full.

  • Method Details

    • interceptorBindings

      Collection<AnnotationInfo> interceptorBindings()
      Returns the set of interceptor binding annotations declared on this interceptor.
      immutable set of interceptor binding annotations, never null
    • intercepts

      boolean intercepts(InterceptionType interceptionType)
      Returns whether this interceptor declares an interceptor method for given interception type.
      interceptionType - the type of interception
      whether this interceptor declares an interceptor method for given interception type
    • isInterceptor

      default boolean isInterceptor()
      Description copied from interface: BeanInfo
      Returns whether this bean is an interceptor.
      Specified by:
      isInterceptor in interface BeanInfo
      whether this bean is an interceptor
    • asInterceptor

      default InterceptorInfo asInterceptor()
      Description copied from interface: BeanInfo
      Returns this bean as an interceptor.
      Specified by:
      asInterceptor in interface BeanInfo
      this interceptor, never null