All Classes and Interfaces

Defines property resolution behavior on arrays.
Defines property resolution behavior on objects using the JavaBeans component architecture.
An ELResolver for resolving user or container managed beans.
Resolves a bean by its known name.
Maintains an ordered composite list of child ELResolvers.
A runtime representation of a Class in the Jakarta Expression Language expressions.
Context information for expression parsing and evaluation.
An event which indicates that an ELContext has been created.
The listener interface for receiving notification when an ELContext is created.
Represents any of the exception conditions that can arise during expression evaluation.
Manages Jakarta Expression Language parsing and evaluation environment.
Provides an API for using Jakarta Expression Language in a stand-alone environment.
Enables customization of variable, property, method call, and type conversion resolution behavior for Jakarta Expression Language expression evaluation.
The listener interface for receiving notification when a Jakarta Expression Language expression is evaluated.
Base class for the expression subclasses ValueExpression and MethodExpression, implementing characteristics common to both.
Provides an implementation for creating and evaluating Jakarta Expression Language expressions.
The interface to a map between Jakarta Expression Language function names and methods.
Handles imports of class names and package names.
Encapsulates a parameterized ValueExpression.
Defines property resolution behavior on instances of List.
Defines property resolution behavior on instances of Map.
An Expression that refers to a method on an object.
Holds information about a method that a MethodExpression evaluated to.
Thrown when a method could not be found while evaluating a MethodExpression.
Provides information about the method to which a method expression resolves.
Defines property resolution, method invocation and type conversion behaviour on Optionals.
Thrown when a property could not be found while evaluating a ValueExpression or MethodExpression.
Thrown when a property could not be written to while setting the value on a ValueExpression.
Defines property resolution behavior on instances of Record.
Defines property resolution behavior on instances of ResourceBundle.
A standard ELContext suitable for use in a stand alone environment.
An ELResolver for resolving static fields, enum constants and static methods.
A convenient class for writing an ELResolver to do custom type conversions.
An Expression that can get or set a value.
This encapsulates a base model object and one of its properties.
The interface to a map between Jakarta Expression Language variables and the Jakarta Expression Language expressions they are associated with.