Module jakarta.el
Package jakarta.el

Class MethodReference


public class MethodReference extends Object
Provides information about the method to which a method expression resolves. Two MethodReference instances are considered equal if the reference the same method on the same base object.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getBase

      public Object getBase()
      Obtain the base object on which the method will be invoked.
      The base object on which the method will be invoked or null for literal method expressions.
    • getMethodInfo

      public MethodInfo getMethodInfo()
      Obtain the MethodInfo for the MethodExpression for which this MethodReference has been generated.
      The MethodInfo for the MethodExpression for which this MethodReference has been generated.
    • getAnnotations

      public Annotation[] getAnnotations()
      Obtain the annotations on the method to which the associated expression resolves.
      The annotations on the method to which the associated expression resolves. If the are no annotations, then an empty array is returned.
    • getEvaluatedParameters

      public Object[] getEvaluatedParameters()
      Obtain the evaluated parameter values that will be passed to the method to which the associated expression resolves.
      The evaluated parameters.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object