Namespace: mojarra



(static) ab(s, e, n, ex, re, op)

This is called by the AjaxBehaviorRenderer script to trigger a faces.ajax.request() call.
Name Type Description
s the source element or id
e event of the calling function
n name of the behavior event that has fired
ex execute list
re render list
op options object

(static) apf(f, pvp)

This function adds any parameters specified by the parameter 'pvp' to the form represented by param 'f'. Any parameters added will be stored in a variable called 'adp' and stored on the form.
Name Type Description
f the target form
pvp associative array of parameter key/value pairs to be added to the form as hidden input fields.

(static) cljs(f, pvp, t)

This is called by command link and command button. It provides the form it is nested in, the parameters that need to be added and finally, the target of the action. This function will delete any parameters added after the form has been submitted to handle DOM caching issues.
Name Type Description
f the target form
pvp associative array of parameter key/value pairs to be added to the form as hidden input fields.
t the target of the form submission

(static) dpf(f)

This function deletes any hidden parameters added to the form by checking for a variable called 'adp' defined on the form. If present, this variable will contain all the params added by 'apf'.
Name Type Description
f the target form

(static) facescbk(f, t, e)

This is called by functions that need access to their calling context, in the form of this and event objects.
Name Type Description
f the function to execute
t this of the calling function
e event of the calling function
object that f returns

(static) l(l)

This is called by command script when autorun=true.
Name Type Description
l window onload callback function