Class ResourceWarning

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ResourceWarning extends ResourceException
A ResourceWarning provides information on warnings related to execution of an interaction with an EIS. Warnings are silently chained to the object whose method caused it to be reported.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceWarning

      public ResourceWarning()
      Constructs a new instance with null as its detail message.
    • ResourceWarning

      public ResourceWarning(String message)
      Constructs a new instance with the specified detail message.
      message - the detail message.
    • ResourceWarning

      public ResourceWarning(Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new throwable with the specified cause.
      cause - a chained exception of type Throwable.
    • ResourceWarning

      public ResourceWarning(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and cause.
      message - the detail message.
      cause - a chained exception of type Throwable.
    • ResourceWarning

      public ResourceWarning(String message, String errorCode)
      Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and an error code.
      message - a description of the exception.
      errorCode - a string specifying the vendor specific error code.
  • Method Details

    • getLinkedWarning

      public ResourceWarning getLinkedWarning()
      Java™ release 1.4 supports a chained exception facility that allows any throwable to know about another throwable, if any, that caused it to get thrown. Refer to getCause and initCause methods of the java.lang.Throwable class.
      Retrieves the warning chained to this ResourceWarning object.
      next ResourceWarning in the chain; null if none.
    • setLinkedWarning

      public void setLinkedWarning(ResourceWarning warning)
      J2SE release 1.4 supports a chained exception facility that allows any throwable to know about another throwable, if any, that caused it to get thrown. Refer to getCause and initCause methods of the java.lang.Throwable class.
      Adds an ResourceWarning object to the end of the chain.
      warning - ResourceWarning to be added to the chain.