Interface Configuration<T extends Configuration<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of a provider-specific specialization of this contract

public interface Configuration<T extends Configuration<T>>
Receives configuration information, selects the appropriate Jakarta Validation provider and builds the appropriate ValidatorFactory.


 //provided by one of the Validation bootstrap methods
 Configuration<?> configuration =
     ValidatorFactory = configuration
         .messageInterpolator( new CustomMessageInterpolator() )

By default, the configuration information is retrieved from META-INF/validation.xml. It is possible to override the configuration retrieved from the XML file by using one or more of the Configuration methods.

The ValidationProviderResolver is specified at configuration time (see ValidationProvider). If none is explicitly requested, the default ValidationProviderResolver is used.

The provider is selected in the following way:

  • if a specific provider is requested programmatically using Validation.byProvider(Class), find the first provider implementing the provider class requested and use it
  • if a specific provider is requested in META-INF/validation.xml, find the first provider implementing the provider class requested and use it
  • otherwise, use the first provider returned by the ValidationProviderResolver

Implementations are not meant to be thread-safe.

Emmanuel Bernard, Gunnar Morling, Hardy Ferentschik, Guillaume Smet
  • Method Details

    • ignoreXmlConfiguration

      T ignoreXmlConfiguration()
      Ignores data from the META-INF/validation.xml file if this method is called.

      This method is typically useful for containers that parse META-INF/validation.xml themselves and pass the information via the Configuration methods.

      this following the chaining method pattern.
    • messageInterpolator

      T messageInterpolator(MessageInterpolator interpolator)
      Defines the message interpolator used. Has priority over the configuration based message interpolator.

      If null is passed, the default message interpolator is used (defined in XML or the specification default).

      interpolator - message interpolator implementation
      this following the chaining method pattern
    • traversableResolver

      T traversableResolver(TraversableResolver resolver)
      Defines the traversable resolver used. Has priority over the configuration based traversable resolver.

      If null is passed, the default traversable resolver is used (defined in XML or the specification default).

      resolver - traversable resolver implementation
      this following the chaining method pattern
    • constraintValidatorFactory

      T constraintValidatorFactory(ConstraintValidatorFactory constraintValidatorFactory)
      Defines the constraint validator factory. Has priority over the configuration based constraint factory.

      If null is passed, the default constraint validator factory is used (defined in XML or the specification default).

      constraintValidatorFactory - constraint factory implementation
      this following the chaining method pattern
    • parameterNameProvider

      T parameterNameProvider(ParameterNameProvider parameterNameProvider)
      Defines the parameter name provider. Has priority over the configuration based provider.

      If null is passed, the default parameter name provider is used (defined in XML or the specification default).

      parameterNameProvider - parameter name provider implementation
      this following the chaining method pattern.
    • clockProvider

      T clockProvider(ClockProvider clockProvider)
      Defines the clock provider. Has priority over the configuration based provider.

      If null is passed, the default clock provider is used (defined in XML or the specification default).

      clockProvider - clock provider implementation
      this following the chaining method pattern.
    • addValueExtractor

      T addValueExtractor(ValueExtractor<?> extractor)
      Adds a value extractor. Has priority over any extractor for the same type and type parameter detected through the service loader or given in the XML configuration.
      extractor - value extractor implementation
      this following the chaining method pattern.
      ValueExtractorDeclarationException - if more than one extractor for the same type and type parameter is added
    • addMapping

      T addMapping(InputStream stream)
      Add a stream describing constraint mapping in the Jakarta Validation XML format.

      The stream should be closed by the client API after the ValidatorFactory has been built. The Jakarta Validation provider must not close the stream.

      stream - XML mapping stream; the given stream should support the mark/reset contract (see InputStream.markSupported()); if it doesn't, it will be wrapped into a stream supporting the mark/reset contract by the Jakarta Validation provider
      this following the chaining method pattern
      IllegalArgumentException - if stream is null
    • addProperty

      T addProperty(String name, String value)
      Adds a provider specific property. This property is equivalent to XML configuration properties. If the underlying provider does not know how to handle the property, it must silently ignore it.

      Note: Using this non type-safe method is generally not recommended.

      It is more appropriate to use, if available, the type-safe equivalent provided by a specific provider via its Configuration subclass.

       ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.byProvider(ACMEProvider.class)
      This method is typically used by containers parsing META-INF/validation.xml themselves and injecting the state to the Configuration object.

      If a property with a given name is defined both via this method and in the XML configuration, the value set programmatically has priority.

      If null is passed as a value, the value defined in XML is used. If no value is defined in XML, the property is considered unset.

      name - property name
      value - property value
      this following the chaining method pattern
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is null
    • getDefaultMessageInterpolator

      MessageInterpolator getDefaultMessageInterpolator()
      Returns an implementation of the MessageInterpolator interface following the default MessageInterpolator defined in the specification:
      • use the ValidationMessages resource bundle to load keys
      • use Locale.getDefault()
      default MessageInterpolator implementation compliant with the specification
    • getDefaultTraversableResolver

      TraversableResolver getDefaultTraversableResolver()
      Returns an implementation of the TraversableResolver interface following the default TraversableResolver defined in the specification:
      • if Java Persistence is available in the runtime environment, a property is considered reachable if Java Persistence considers the property as loaded
      • if Java Persistence is not available in the runtime environment, all properties are considered reachable
      • all properties are considered cascadable.
      default TraversableResolver implementation compliant with the specification
    • getDefaultConstraintValidatorFactory

      ConstraintValidatorFactory getDefaultConstraintValidatorFactory()
      Returns an implementation of the ConstraintValidatorFactory interface following the default ConstraintValidatorFactory defined in the specification:
      default ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation compliant with the specification
    • getDefaultParameterNameProvider

      ParameterNameProvider getDefaultParameterNameProvider()
      Returns an implementation of the ParameterNameProvider interface following the default ParameterNameProvider defined in the specification:
      • returns the actual parameter names as provided in the validated executable’s definition, if the class file of the executable contains parameter name information
      • otherwise returns names in the form arg&lt;PARAMETER_INDEX&gt;, where PARAMETER_INDEX starts at 0 for the first parameter, e.g. arg0, arg1 etc.
      default ParameterNameProvider implementation compliant with the specification
    • getDefaultClockProvider

      ClockProvider getDefaultClockProvider()
      Returns an implementation of the ClockProvider interface following the default ClockProvider defined in the specification:
      • returns a clock representing the current system time and default time zone.
      default ClockProvider implementation compliant with the specification
    • getBootstrapConfiguration

      BootstrapConfiguration getBootstrapConfiguration()
      Returns configuration information stored in the META-INF/validation.xml file.

      Implementations are encouraged to lazily build this object to delay parsing.

      returns an instance of BootstrapConfiguration; this method never returns null; if there is no META-INF/validation.xml the different getters of the returned instance will return null respectively an empty set or map
    • buildValidatorFactory

      ValidatorFactory buildValidatorFactory()
      Build a ValidatorFactory implementation.
      the ValidatorFactory
      ValidationException - if the ValidatorFactory cannot be built