Interface ElementDescriptor.ConstraintFinder

Enclosing interface:

public static interface ElementDescriptor.ConstraintFinder
Declares restrictions on retrieved constraints. Restrictions are cumulative.

A ConstraintFinder is not thread-safe. The set of matching ConstraintDescriptor is.

  • Method Details

    • unorderedAndMatchingGroups

      ElementDescriptor.ConstraintFinder unorderedAndMatchingGroups(Class<?>... groups)
      Restricts to the constraints matching a given set of groups for this element.

      This method respects group conversion, group sequences and group inheritance (including class-level Default group overriding) but does not return ConstraintDescriptors in any particular order. Specifically, ordering of the group sequence is not respected.

      groups - groups targeted
      this following the chaining method pattern
    • lookingAt

      Restricts to the constraints matching the provided scope for this element. Defaults to Scope.HIERARCHY
      scope - expected scope
      this following the chaining method pattern
    • declaredOn

      Restricts to the constraints hosted on the listed types for a given element.

      Defaults to all possible types of the element.

      Typically used to restrict to fields (FIELD) or getters (METHOD).

      types - targeted types
      this following the chaining method pattern
    • getConstraintDescriptors

      Set<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> getConstraintDescriptors()
      Retrieves the constraint descriptors following the defined restrictions and hosted on the element described by ElementDescriptor.
      matching constraint descriptors
    • hasConstraints

      boolean hasConstraints()
      Returns true if at least one constraint declaration matching the restrictions is present on the element, false otherwise.
      true if there is at least one constraint